Chapter 27: I can handle it...

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England's POV:

I sit on the stairs of the porch next to my parents. Waiting. Waiting for any type of news about Carl, or for Hershel to just walk out the door to tell us that he's going to be okay. But that hasn't happened.

It's been about two hours since Shane came back with the supplies. Without the other man, Otis. I look up, seeing Shane sitting down, his back against his truck. As he looks at the ground. He seems to be distracted. Maybe he's hoping Carl is all right? Maybe he's thinking of a way to improve his lie? Who knows. As if feeling eyes on him, he looks up. Making eye contact with me. This time, his eyes look normal. Not the same weird look he had just a couple of hours ago.

No. He seems more in the present now. More like himself, but is he even himself anymore? Is any one of us lately? I look away, behind me as I hear the creak of the door open. I stand as I notice Hershel coming next to us and I see my parents get up as well. Waiting for what he has to say.

"He seems to have stabilized." He says. Making the three of us let out a breath of relief.

"Oh thank god," I whisper. Dad goes up and hugs the poor man as mum chuckles with happiness.

"I don't have words." Mum chokes out with a smile on her face.

"I don't either. Wish I did." Hershel sighs. "How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" He looks towards my father. I look at Shane and I see him keep his eyes on the ground. Not daring to look up. Dad looks at me and mum.

"You guys go to Carl. I'll go with Hershel." He states. I nod and head inside towards my brother's room. As I walk in. I see him lying in bed, a huge bandage across his body. I hear crying from across the house and shut my eyes. They told her... I didn't bother listening anymore and just focused on my brother.

From the corner of my eye, I see mum walk in and sit next to me. Holding Carl's hand. She starts crying. I grab her hand, trying to comfort her in a way and she sends me a soft smile.

"He's all right now, mum," I told her. "He's all right now."

She chuckles lightly and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Are you all right?" She asks me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean earlier, you ran out of here in a hurry. I wanted to be with you, but I didn't want to leave Carl. And I saw Glenn run after you so I figured that'd be enough." She looks up at me. "So I repeat. Are you all right?"

I smile lightly at my mother's worriness. I nod.

"I am now."

~ *

The next morning I woke to the sound of banging. I stand up from the chair and stretch my body.

"Morning," Mum says handing me a cup of tea. I smile at her.

"Morning." I walk over to the window and see Glenn and the others putting rocks into a rolley thingy. I don't know that name. "What's going on?" I ask my mother. She looks out the window and back at me.

"They are gathering rocks to do a memorial for Otis." She explains. I nod my head in acknowledgment. Dad walks in next to Hershel. They both say good morning and we say it back.

Hershel goes over to Carl and puts his hand on his forehead.

"Fevers gone down." He says and removes his hand as Carl starts squirming. Mum and Dad race to his side as I stand next to Hershel.

Call me England DixonWhere stories live. Discover now