Chapter 22: No choice...

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England's POV:

I ran as I tried to catch up to Sofia. I stop for a second seeing the walkers following close behind her making me run faster. I'm a few feet away so they don't see me coming. I run until I'm a little ahead of all of them and take it as my opportunity to hide behind a tree and wait for her.

I hear her coming up and as soon as I see her, I grab onto her. Holding her tightly to my chest. She screams from the sudden impact.

"SH! SHH! Are you alright? Are you okay?" I ask as I search for any type of wound.

"Shoot them!" She exclaims reaching for my gun. I grab onto her hands, forcing her to look at me.

"NO! NO! Those walkers on the road can hear it. Then it wouldn't be just two, It'd be hundreds." I try to explain to her. But she freaks out, even more, when we hear a twig snap. I carry her running away. "Come on." I run until we make it to this small pond area. I put her down. "All right. Just hold here. You stay there. Wait" I jump down into the water and signal her to come down with me. "Come on." I grab her hands and help her down.

I found a little hiding spot and sat her down gently.

"Sophia, you have to do exactly as I say. You stay in here, squeeze in tight so you're out of sight. Alright? I'm going to draw them away from you."

"No. NO, don't leave me please?" She whimpers.

"Listen to me. If I don't lead them away from you. They will kill you. Okay? I need to kill them one at a time. If I stay here, I wouldn't be able to protect you. Alright?" She nods. "I promised to keep you safe. This is how I'll do it. SO stay here." She nods again.

"Okay. Go. If I don't make it back anytime soon. You run back to the highway, back to your mum. Straight the way we came from. Keep the sun on your left shoulder." I stop talking once I see the walkers come up. I start backing away. I splash water at them. "Come on! Come get me, you disgusting creatures. Come on!" I jump back when a walker falls into the water in front of me.

"Come on!" I yell and start walking away in a different direction. They follow close behind as I run.

I looked back to see that I was ahead of them, so I hid behind a tree again and grabbed a big rock I found on the ground. The one time I needed my knife, I left it on Daryl's bike. I hear them coming so I am ready.

I watch as it walks a little in front of me. I bring the rock up and smash it in the head. I smash it over and over again until it's completely dead. I see the other one come up as well and I throw it. Knocking it down to the ground. I walk up grabbing the rock again and doing the same as I did to the other one, killing it.

I start walking back to where I left Sofia, but I stop when I hear a twig snap. I freak out knowing I don't have anything to protect myself with and start running. I hear it running after me. Wait running? Walkers don't run. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I'm grabbed from behind. I scream as I feel the person wrap their hands around me.

"Hey, It's okay! It's just me!" I hear my father whisper in my ear. I let out a breath of relief, knowing I'm not in any danger. I turn around to face him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I shake my head.

"I-I'm okay. I'm fine." He sighs and looks around.

"Where's Sofia?"

"I hid her. Where this pond area is back over there." I point in the direction I left. Dad looks at me confused.

"She's not there."


"I passed by there, looking for you. I didn't see anybody." My eyes widen and I take off running to the pond. I can hear him following behind. As I made it, I jumped into the water desperately in hope she was there. I gasp when I see she isn't.

Call me England DixonWhere stories live. Discover now