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"Nng ugh fuck-" Namjoon gasped as he jerked himself off. He was in the shower, completely drenched and kinda tired. One hand was placed over his hard member while the other, rested against the shower wall. The cool water kept hitting his back as he continued to pleasure himself, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over his slit and gasped out more in pleasure, his cock was already leaking pre-cum. He continued to jerk himself off until strips of white cum shot all over his hand and on the shower floor. With a sigh he turned around, rinsed his hand, then turned the shower off.

Stepping out of the shower he grabbed a towel from the rack and loosely wrapped it around his waist. He made his way towards the mirror, and was just staring at his reflection when he heard a knock on the door.

Knock knock

"Joon, can you hurry up? I need to pee." A voice chimed from the other side.

"Yeah?" He called, heaving out a sigh. He walked out of his bathroom and stepped in front of his wife. 

"Don't forget we have lunch with my parents this afternoon." His wife reminded him

Namjoon hummed.

"Oh and Joon, dress accordingly." She spoke curtly.

He chose not to reply. Just rolled his eyes, which fortunately she didn't notice, and made his way towards the spare bedroom. 

He'd been staying in the spare bedroom for a year now. Only goes to sleep in his wife's bedroom when they had overnight guests which was usually her family from out of town. 

Needless to say, they had no clue that their marriage was over for a long time now.

Joon dug in his drawers for a pair of black pants and opened his closet to search for a crisp white button up shirt--those decent dress code thing which people mainly wore in formal parties. After he was done, he checked himself in the mirror and allowed his fingers to style his hair.

Satisfied with his appearance he made his way out the door, down the hall and straight to the kitchen, to wait for his wife who was busy getting ready.

His kitchen was rather small. It was only 112 sq ft. The fridge stood on the left side of the wall beside the built in pantry, the stove was straight across the opposite side and it stood in the middle because beside it were the bottom cupboards, the sink was located in the corner on the right side of the bottom cupboards and beside the sink was the broken dishwasher. The walls were a pale dingy yellow in colour which Namjoon wished to paint but lacked the funds.

The living room was slightly bigger with a futon for a couch, the design looked like something out of the 70s,a cheaply made rug was placed in the middle of the floor and right on top of it was a basic brown coffee table that had all sorts of stains on it. There was also a cheap 32" flat screen tv that Joon found at a pawn shop for $100.

Joon leaned against the kitchen counter and closed his eyes for a moment.

"I'm ready." His wife said as she walked into the kitchen.

She was dressed in short red embroidered v-neck dress, a pair of black gold chained heels and a pair of diamond earrings to top it off. 

Namjoon opened his eyes and hummed, grabbing his keys, he headed out the front door, his wife following closely behind. 

Namjoon owned one car which was a silver 2007 Ford Taurus, the interior was grey and the seats were grey as well. It was honestly a piece of junk but it got him from point A to point B. Once inside the car, both the driver and passenger buckled their seat belts and Namjoon began the ride to Stella's.


Jin sat at the kitchen table, silently eating his dinner. Too afraid to even open his mouth, too afraid of his own boyfriend.

I shouldn't be scared, he thought to himself.

But… no matter what, he was afraid.

He had many reasons to be though.

But still, he loved this man, and as fucked up as his life was, without him, he'd be homeless on the streets.

"Something wrong?" His boyfriend asked.

"No." Jin replied, quietly.

"Good, I hope you're enjoying the dinner."

Jin nodded, poking at his plate with his fork.

 In all honesty, he didn't have much of an appetite, he didn't even want to be at the dinner table, but he had to. He had no other choice.

Earlier in the day

[TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic abuse]

Jin lay on the floor among the broken plates and glass, his boyfriend standing over him, face red and fists clenched. He raised his fist to take another swing at Jin.

"PLEASE STOP!" Jin cried out, shielding his face with his arms.

"You really think you can make me look like an idiot in front of my whole family, huh!" Jin's boyfriend shouted.  He grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head up, forcing Jin to look at him while he slapped his face repeatedly, then slammed his head into the floor.

Jin cried out to him. To stop this ruthless torture. But he didn't. He didn't stop. He kept on. Kept on beating the shit out of Jin and... poor boy just laid there, taking it, every hit. With tears and a burning heart, he forced himself to face this abuse.

Earlier that day Jin's boyfriend invited his family over for lunch and Jin made the mistake of correcting something his boyfriend had said to his parents and sister. The bulging vein on his boyfriend's temple made him realize that he made an utter mistake.

Jin's boyfriend finally stopped his madness and spit on the floor beside Jin's head. "Clean up this mess and clean up yourself." He spat, before walking away, into their shared bedroom.

After 10 seconds Jin slowly sat up. Very slowly stretching his arms and legs out, then stretched his neck, testing to see if anything was broken. Thankfully nothing was broken, nothing but his dignity and pride. 

He looked around at the aftermath of the situation. There was broken glass and broken dishes laying all around him on the floor, he was lucky that he wasn't bleeding. His boyfriend smashed a good portion of their glasses on the floor the minute his parents and sister left the house.

Jin sighed before slowly getting up to clean up the mess. After he was done he made his way to the bathroom and ran the water in the tub. Standing in front of the full length mirror he slowly took off his clothes, his body was covered with bruises, some were fresh dark purple marks, some were yellow while others were slowly fading away...faded reminders of his past fuck up's.

Once the tub was filled enough to Jin's liking, he lowered himself in the warm bubble filled water, wincing a little because his lower back was also covered with bruises. Once he was all settled in, he raised his knees to his chest. The event of what transpired earlier replaying in his head, he hugged his knees,and rested his head on his knees, while silent tears made there way down the side of his face.


Hi, it's back, I'm back, my story is back. You'll notice slight changes and there may or may not be new scenarios added, but anyway please look forward to a new and improved Namjin fanfic.

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