Chapter 12: Hospital

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Eun Byeol could hear the beeping of the monitor as her eyes try to adjust to the light. She felt very comfortable at whatever she is currently sleeping on. She glanced from the ceiling, then to the two people. She didn't recognize them at first but upon closer inspection, she realized it was the Joo twins, Seok Kyung and Seok Hoon. What are they doing here?

Suddenly, a soft tone resounded from something near the twins. Seok Kyung rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" she asked her brother.

"Time to change the guard," Seok Hoon said yawning.

When they saw Eun Byeol with eyes wide open, their own eyes responded by being in a state of disbelief. "Hi," Eun Byeol said.

"Eun Byeol!" they said in unison.

"I'm so glad you're ok. Why did you scare us like that?" Seok Hoon said like a parent to a child. If Seok Hoon was her father, Eun Byeol is sure she'll be grounded for a month.

"How long was I out?" she asked.

"Two days. You're father had to work. He'll be here soon," Seok Kyung told her.

"And Min Hyuk?" she blurted without even realizing what she just said.

Seok Kyung shot her a gleaming smile. "I knew it."

Eun Byeol ignored her and instead glanced at her twin brother. "He'll be here soon. He, Jenny and Ro Na slept the first night."

"Ro Na?"

"She'd been worried about you. Ever since you got hospitalized, she'd been crying, begging you to heal soon," said Seok Kyung.

"Min Hyuk is worse. He looked sour ever since the trial. He is even more quieter now that I think about it," Seok Hoon added.

Eun Byeol's eyes widened. "I should call him...them. Where's my phone?"

"Give it a rest, Eun Byeol. We'll inform them," Seok Kyung promised, followed by a nod from her brother.

Eun Byeol smiled. "Thank you. It means a lot."


Two more days have passed since the trial when Min Hyuk visited and Eun Byeol was slightly relieved. Ever since the news of her recovery was spread, she had been visited mainly by the Joo twins, Ro Na, Jenny, her father and her assistant, who informed her that her father had sold all the jewelry that had sharp edges. Eun Byeol had expected he'll be the first to visit but it surprised her when he didn't. When inquiring about Min Hyuk, Jenny said he had been sour and down in the dumps. 

"He often says he's busy. Honestly, I don't know what got into his head?" she remembered Jenny say.

Eun Byeol was debating whether or not to tell him but he appeared too quiet and sullen. Min Hyuk was gentle with her as they walked the hospital grounds before both sat at one of the benches. "Min Hyuk, is everything alright? Jenny tells me you've been awfully quiet these days."

"What's wrong with being quiet?" he said dismissively.

"Min Hyuk..."

"I just don't like it every single time you hurt yourself. I feel like...I feel..." Eun Byeol glanced expectantly at his face and she understood. Her near-death at the trial shook him to his core. "I'm afraid for you, Eun Byeol. I really am...I..." He kept scratching his head. "What you did at the trial...I thought you were going to die...I feel like with you...I was always so close to losing you."

"Min Hyuk..."

"Swear to me," he said, raising his pinky finger. "that you won't do something stupid like that ever again."

Eun Byeol conceded. "I promise." She put her hand down. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Yeah," Min Hyuk said in a teasing tone, which confuses Eun Byeol to no end.


"Because you have to do one thing for me."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes." There was a look of defiance in the eyes. "Close them," he insisted.

Begrudgingly, Eun Byeol obliged and felt something soft touch her lips, followed by a feeling so overwhelming it left her paralyzed. She cupped his face with her hand, telling him that he should keep going. When they finally parted, the two saw Jenny standing there, before slowly walking away, as if to say, 'I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.'

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