Chapter 7: Daydreaming

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The plan was a complete genius. Seo Jin had banned her daughter from speaking to Ro Na so what she did is to have conversations with the latter via Messenger and join Ro Na in her study sessions by asking Seok Hoon to invite her, knowing his sister might not approve. 

Every day of the week, Eun Byul would study with them and the truth does make great alibi. Her mother doesn't know that Seok Kyung invited Ro Na to study with them everyday. This is her chance to impress Seok Hoon with her wit and beauty.

Although Seok Hoon was amiable to Ro Na, he was the same with her so her chances are larger by the margin. It was one day, however that triggered the landslide. One day, Seok Kyung proposed that Seok Hoon play the piano for them. Believing this would make him like her, Eun Byul gently encouraged him. Ro Na did the same.

"Do it. I would love to see you play," Ro Na said.

Seok Hoon made a quick nod. "Sure."

He went to his room where his piano was placed. The three girls giggled and scuttled inside. Eun Byul recognized the piece as Daydreaming by Luke Faulkner.

From time to time, he would look stare at them but it was his eyes she was catching, only for her to realize it was not directed to her. Slowly glancing to her left, he was staring at Ro Na and the jumble of emotions felt like she had rained with a ton of bricks. Luckily, she had her phone with her. "Oma, just texted. She wanted me to come home," Eun Byul lied.

"Already?" Seok Kyung asked in confusion. Even Ro Na was baffled.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot say no," Eun Byul replied.

"Go home, then," said Ro Na. "We wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

Eun Byul made an abrupt bow, left the room as though everything is normal but once she was outside Seok Hoon's apartment; she ran the hallway crying. The piece. It was all for Ro Na. He is dreaming...of her. Why Ro Na? What does she have that Eun Byeol doesn't have? For him to choose her? She barged into the bathroom and placed both hands at the lip of the sink, breathing heavily.

After some time, Eun Byul dialed a familiar number. "Min Hyuk, where are you? I need to talk to you."


"Why did you invite me here?" Min Hyuk asked flatly as he forked the chicken and placed it back on the basket at the chicken and tteokbokki place that sells soju. Eun Byeol was quite drunk already but she kept on going. 

"Because a drinking buddy is better than drinking alone. Besides, I owe you a chicken and tteokbokki," Eun Byeol replied before taking a large gulp.

"Is this about Ro Na?" Min Hyuk asked. 

"The first time I laid my eyes on Seok Hoon. I find him to be handsome. He carries himself in a masculine way. He is calm. He is smart. I know behind his cold exterior, there is a warmth underneath. I want to be the bridge in which he opens up himself more to me. Why does it have to be Bae Ro Na?" she sobbed and, then sniffed.

"Give it up, Eun Byeol. Seok Hoon really likes her. There's no changing his mind," Min Hyuk sighed.

"Why do you have to say something like that?" Eun Byeol cried. "I can change his mind. I just need to know what to do to get him to see that I am he can't live without. That I am someone he imagines living his life with."

She broke down, resting her forehead at the table. Min Hyuk stared at her as if she's insane, finally joining her in their soju rendezvous. "If you really like him, then be inspired by him. Let his presence inspire you to sing. When you feel the stage fright, you crack. If you can't conquer it while still liking him, that means you're better off looking for a different inspiration, something that will let you face your struggles at all odds, as if those struggles aren't really meaningful to you."

"This is coming from someone who doesn't do anything in life except play video games," Eun Byeol muttered.

"Don't make me look like an idiot. I can do two things at least: playing video games and sing," Min Hyuk snapped back.

"Can you flirt with Ro Na for me?" Eun Byul pouted, the effects of wine starting to sink in.

"Pssst! Like she will even like me," Min Hyuk replied as though the idea itself is ridiculous.

"You could change her mind." Min Hyuk gave her a modest expression. "What! Who knows? You might have skills that could impress any woman. You're the son of a lawyer. If your wife thinks he's a great man, then you are a great man." At this rate, she has no idea what she was saying, whether or not it makes any sense. She and Min Hyuk were babbling, singing, celebrating for no reason at all, becoming a meme and many silly things wine makes you do. The last thing Eun Byul recalled is her arm around Min Hyuk, who raised one arm singing; she doing the same. Singing as though tender is the night.

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