Chapter XVI

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(edited imperfectly)

~~"Who attached these heavy wings on my shoulders?"~~

-Marina Tsvetaeva, from, Bride of Ice; New Selected Poems; On a Horse.




The man was named after the Russian title. In reality was brutal and cruel to the atmosphere he became fond of and saw with his own two coordinated eyes. Once Upon a Time, he was not always this way.

One day, he woke up from bed. And supposedly, the rumors that traveled throughout the mouths of humans were. A bomb set off in his ordinary mindset; a closer expression everyone would take into consideration is that,

He lost the capability of controlling his mind. Regardless, he was a Good Father; a loving one at that.

Until he wasn't.

Khairiah's small feet platter against the modern, Granite floors that were immensely clean in the best circumstances. Although it wasn't normal. The sounds that overcame the whole layout of the computer and multiple thick voices, some nerdy, some pleasant, and some just enough to make the hair on an individual's neck stand.

She was utterly surprised when there weren't blood stains decorating the floors, it brought a peaceful smile onto her youthful face. Her teeth showed, and so was the tiny gap between her front. Her uncle was now in her primary vision. She glanced up until he lifted her into his lap, his strong arms holding onto her.

Never letting her fall.

Giggles erupted from the back of her throat; the reasoning was clear.

"Stop...Uncle D-d-dante." Her voice cut out in between laughs when the Gentleman's face, more like a scratchy mouth that supported a small stubble landed on her pale neck. Blowing some air onto it, she contained her endless voice of joy. Fresh tears streamed down her face until the young man came to a stop.

"Say please, little person." He ordered although he was fooling around. His eyes twinkled in mischief.

Khairiah still supported her tiny hands on his shoulders, her eyes taking in his appearance.

"You're not wearing that thing."

She stretched her palms out as they collided onto Dante's face, open to her touch. His eyes glinted with known hesitation and deep thoughts. He straightened himself, fixating the small human on his lap.

He deemed his chuckle, contracting it into a light grin while he rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for stating the obvious."

The little girl clapped both of her hands in return. The man's eyes fell onto the bruise that decorated nearly half of her face in the most scrutinizing way possible. The color of it was black until yesterday, whereas today it morphed into the healing color of Purple due to the ice they pressed on her face as soon as it was all over.

"Is this going to stay on my face forever, right? Like yours?" She couldn't help but question, her hand lifting and motioning towards the side of her face that was covered in a dark mark with her index finger.

The man sighed slightly, not answering as he kneeled, placing her onto the floor softly yet carefully. Her small frame seemed innocent and unknown to the era she was placed in nonchalantly. Her black orbs glanced up to his identical ones, her finger now reaching up to her mouth, biting on it, her feet crossing as her curls were now in her face. Khairiah tried to get them out, but she huffed in despair when she failed.

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