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Friday. Homecoming. Oh how you dreaded it. You grumbled out of bed from the sound of Cal lightly telling you to get up for training. Getting into training clothes, you eyes felt as heavy as bricks. Dragging yourself outside to the court. The autumn brisk air flew past you. Making you shiver. Steve told everyone to start stretching, you did so with your eyes tight shut. You started jogging along with the rest of the Avengers. Your eyes were droopy and slowly closing and opening again. The coldness of air made you want to move around more. After the jogging Luckily you and wanda were to practise with your powers inside. Trying to mabye working your powers with the cubes and the projectiles you didn't too bad. Wanda wanted to go back to bed so after 10 minutes you both sneaked back to your bedrooms. You got changed as you were already awake. You got some breakfast and turned on the tv. You were flicking through the channels. You landed on one were there were two boys in a field at night. They were talking and started kissing. "lol." you said turning it off. Then Peter entered your mind. You didn't want to go to homecoming but you felt you needed to. You wanted to be there for Peter incase anything went bad with Liz. But you deeply don't want to go. What we're gonna do if you went? Just stand there. Dance? no. To get it off your mind off it, you got your stuff ready and decided to walk from your normal train station to the next one not too far away. It meant by the time you got to the other station your normal train would be able to reach at that stop. The walk was actually really nice. The trees were brown and orange and red, the leaves they fell down past your head, the brisk autumn winds cooled yourself down,opposed to the sun that glistened but with no warmth. The sound of train alerted and you were just at the station, hopping on the carriage. Fortunately the train was a different temperature to what the air was like outside. Although the train was daily thing for you, you really did like it. Your eyes were always glued to the window in the train. You would see building, people,trees and then peter. Peter? The train ariived at your stop. You saw Peter seated at one of the benches at the stop. As you left the train, Peter saw you and got up. "Hey" he said waving awkwardly. "Were you waiting for me?" you smiled. "Yeah." he said smiling awkwardly. "You alright?" you asked as you both started walking. "Yeah... i'm just...worried i didn't  want to go into school and see liz and not know what to say, ye know." he shrugged awkwardly. "ah" you replied. You both made it to the entrance, the school was all decorated with posters and lights for homecoming, it really was pretty. It was a lot of effort out in for one night and you did appreciate that. You both made your way to your locker and started filling your bag. You noticed Peter was breathing louder than he would usually. "You alright." you asked him. He paused, "sure." he said lying against the lockers taking another deep breath. "Peter, if it's about liz, don't worry. You can charm anyone." you smiled kinda flirting but not. He smiled. "Thanks." he said. You slowly closed your locker and locked it. As you closed the door you remembered that day where Peter wrote the word on your locker. It felt like ages ago. You could see the outline of the new paint crossed over it. You then looked at Peter. All of the stuff you two had been through. "Wow" you whispered to yourself. "What?" "Did you say something?" peter asked. Yous shook your head and smiled. "So...you coming tonight right?" he asked. "Pete.....I will ok, but......." you paused, you couldn't think of a but except for the fact that it was your crush going out with another person. "but?" peter longed. "I don't know." you said in defeat. "What time do you wanna go?" he asked you. "Well Petey em, that's a decision you have to ask liz. I'll meet you up there." you said. He threw his head down. "Pete calm down." you said. "Y/n! This is me, me! going to a dance with my crush, my crush!" he amplified. "ok" you replied with your eyes wide open. "Look peter get through the first few classes, then lunch, talk to liz. And then it's just a few more classes." you started. "Then just go home get changed and go get liz, get to the dance and i'll be here to help, if you need." you smiled frowning inside. He didn't look to convinced. The bell for first period then went. "Good luck." you said to him as you parted ways for class. The rest day wasn't long. All anyone would talk about was homecoming, and as every second went by your stomach was turning, every time it moved, you didn't know what to do tonight?

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