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you woke up to your head ringing. It hurt. You caressed your forehead to reveal your stone. your cascaded your power over the stone, calming your head down and stopping the ringing. You looked at the clock on your bedside. 5:55. "Hehe angel numbers" you said to yourself. You had an hour and five minutes till dinner. You got up and out of your bed, grabbing your phone. You walked towards the door and into the hallway. You saw Peters room, it was beside yours. The door was slightly opened. You wanted to look in but we're afraid Peter was in their and you would be caught. You just peeked in. No one was there, you entered. You looked around and saw.......well a mess. it was all over the place. Clothes and books and weird gadgets everywhere. You couldn't handle the mess and just darted out. You shut the door and smirked you panicked and opened the door slightly so no one would suspect anything. You started to walk to the end of the hall. Suddenly a blue flash of light whizzed past you and blew your hair into your face. You looked behind you too see Pietro Maximoff. His abs were piercing from his shirt. You bit the inside of your lip. "Hi" you said. "Hey" he replied before whizzing passed you into his room. "Cute" you said to yourself. You began to walk out the hall and into the kitchen.

You noticed that the kitchen was empty except for vision who was cooking. Vision noticed you walked in and greeted you. "Hello there, Y/n." "Hi Vision" you said softly. "What are you making?" you asked. "Well um.... dinner." he replied anxiously. You chuckled, "I know that" Vision looked confused. "I mean what are you making as in food wise?" "Ah" he said. "I'm just making simple fajitas." "ooooooh nice." Vision spooned up a piece of chicken signalling to try it. You took the spoon and tried the chicken. It was really good. "Oh my god, vision, that's amazing." If Vision could blush he would be rn. "Can i ask you a question, Y/n?" he asked. "Yeah of course" you replied. "Your stone." he pointed towards your forehead. "Does ot speak to you?" "What do you mean?" "My stone, it speaks to me, it tells me when something is wrong or when i don't know." "Well it doesn't speak to me but it always hurts me until i calm it down." Vision looked at you for a while examining your stone it glistened and responded to Visions mind stone. After a short while Vision realised he had to get back to the dinner. "i'll leave you to it." you said while leaving the kitchen. Beside the kitchen was the living area it was empty so you didn't stay there. You left that area and went downstairs to see the quinjet in the window You saw Tony was in the jet. You quickly walked out of the HQ and into the jet. Tony was underneath a switch board fixing something he noticed you walked in. "Hey kiddo, just the person, would you mind holding that lever for a minute." "Yeah sure" you said. You went over and pulled on the lever. After about a minute or two a switch went off and Tony got all happy. " That damn thing was driving me crazy for weeks." Tony got up and wiped dust and dirt off his lap and chest. Tony grabbed a screw driver and went over to the main station if the jet. "So kid, how y'a getting on." "It's been really fun and weird today, it's a lot to take in 8 hours or so." Tony started sniggering and it turned into laughing. "what?" you said while smiling. Tony spoke up after catching his breath. "It's so obvious" he said while laughing even more. "What!" you said now getting a bit annoyed. "Here, i see the way you look at Peter." You blushed and looked shocked. "Don't worry Peter is so oblivious to everything, but am i right?" he said the last part while slowly smirking. "I mean...........yeah god, how did you know?" "The way you looked at him, i've seen it before, i've done it before, but don't worry your secret is safe with me." he winked again. " Come on dinner is ready" He brought you back up to the dining room. Dinner was all layed out beautifully. You sat down, Nat sat down beside you and gave you a loving smile. Everyone sat down and began to inhale the food. You noticed Peter wasn't there but you realised he would be home. The food was beautiful every taste complimented each other. You gave Vision a look of 'Omg become a chef'. he smiled. You feasted and dined. As everyone finished Tony and a few others had to rush to get work done and others started cleaning up. You cleaned eswell not to seem rude and impolite. You cleaned up the dishes with wanda, bucky and sam. You then collapsed on the couch where Nat then sat beside and cuddled into you. You felt so comfortable and relaxed with Nat, you sank into her grasp. Nat quickly stopped hugging you and asked "Are you ok with this?" "Yeah" you replied while pulling her back in. You had never felt this type of motherly love and Nat had never had a child to give it to so it worked both ways and you both succumbed to the seratotin. You closed your eyes and ended up drifting to sleep. Nat realised this and left you there on the couch so she could get back on with work.

You woke up not shortly after to see bucky putting on the kettle. "morning" he said. you panicked and looked at the time. 10:07 ,you gave him a 'stfu' look. "Would you like a cup of tea?" "Sure if it's going." Bucky got out two cups and and tea bags milk and suger. "How many sugers?" "One" you said. He continued to make the tea. Bucky was wearing a tank top, you noticed his arm how it shined under the lights and how it clinked with the spoons. Bucky than sat down beside you and gave you your cup. you took a sip. "That's good tea." you smiled. He smiled also. Bucky started talking to you about how you were getting in with the team. You usually had social awkwardness while talking to new people but it was very smooth with Bucky. "Bucky would you mind if i um...." you signalled his forehead. "oh um.... sure" you took your hand and caressed his forehead you stared to emit your energy. Your vision flashed white. You saw Steve on a train lifting out his hand and then you falling. Your vision flashed again, now you were in a dark room, people in soilder uniforms and a red notebook you felt pain, it flashed again. You now saw Bucky and Steve sitting down having a conversation. You returned to reality. You were heavily breathing. Bucky gave you a 'yeah' look. He gave you his metal arm. you placed your hand in it. He gave you a sad yet happy smile. "I'm gonna head" "alright goodnight bucky." you said. Bucky walked off. you still tried to grasp everything you just saw. You collected yourself, took your tea and headed to bed.

You layed in your bed. You still thought you were dreaming. You then drifted to sleep. Suddenly, THUD!!!!!!!. You jolted out of bed. there was something on the roof. You heard it crawl back down the wall. You looked at your window in horror. The thing crawled on your window and went past and you heard it stop moving. You stayed in your bed terrified but you didn't know why. You just put yourself under the covers. You heard someoen walking down the hall, like tip toeing to not wake anyone up. You got up and walked to the door if you room. You peeped your head out the door to see Peter going into his room. He saw you and gasped. "shit!,....." you scared him. "Don't scare me like that." "Sorry" "No i'm sorry, did i wake you?" "No, can't sleep." you chuckled (it was lie). "You should get some rest Y/n" he told you. You nodded and smiled and went back to bed. The whole day just collapsed on your shoulders and you conked out on your bed onto a deep sleep.

 Him | (Peter Parker x male reader x Avengers)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora