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A/n : I will tell you when to play the song above :)))

Peter sat at the end of your bed. You stared into his eyes. Peter looked as if he was crying. You felt his sadness. "Peter I-" You spoke but were interrupted by his taking his fingers at your lips. His puppy eyes glared into yours. The rings on his eyes from tears were screaming at you. Peter opened his mouth to speak. "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP,!!!" Peter screamed. "Wtf!" you screamed. You closed your eyes. As you opened them again. You were under your covers. It was a dream. You groaned. You tossed yourself out of your covers. The alarm still blaring. You looked over towards your alarm clock. "SHIT!" you shouted. You paced around the room. Grabbing your bag, getting clothes on, your phone all that. There was no time for breakfast. You paced to the fridge in the kitchen and grabbed your lunch that Nat texted you about. Placing it in your bag, you ran down the stairs and out to the court. Running down using all your speed to get to the train station. You, losing breath nearly made it to the train station. But you missed your regular train by a second. "Shit." You looked up at the train marker still breathing out of your lungs.  The next train was in 20 mins. "Fuck." you said. You slept in 30 mins and now this. Your waited for the train. You were annoyed and angry. Your phone read 7:30. "I'm gonna be late." u you said to yourself. You hopped on the train wanting it to go fast. The train was on schedule. You arrived at the school building at 7:58. You had two mins to get your books and go. You ran to your locker and opened it. Tossing books in your bag. Tossing bags out you bag and into the locker. The bell then rang for your first class. You didn't know which class and whipped out your timetable. "Maths, fine i know where that is." You ran to the classroom. You were the last person in. You noticed that Peter wasn't sitting beside Ned, in fact he wasn't here in the class at all. Neither was Edvin. The only two not in the class. You took a seat. Ned waved at you. You waved back. He seemed normal. It's probably just a coincidence that the two weren't in. "Class page 14 please." The teacher said starting his lesson. You just put your head down and continued to work. The class went on and so did the next class. Still no sign of Peter, Edvin or any of Edvins friends either. You felt really lonely all day. You didn't see Ned all day or Mj, but you barely see her. It was now lunch. The day had already been half done, and you were starving so you quickly made your way to the cafeteria. The caf looked mostly the same but Edvins table was completely empty. But it was being filled up by the people that usually sit on the floor. You saw Ned alone. "Hey Ned." you greeted him. "Oh hey y/n" he greeted back as you took a seat. "You didn't hear from Peter did you?" Ned asked. "I was gonna ask you the same. Nothing" you replied. "Weird." you added. "I've been texting him all day, he hasn't responded once." Ned said. You started panicking. 'Spider-man, definitely told him' you panicky thought to yourself. You didn't look it, but inside you anxiety was getting the best of you. You started to feel sick. "You ok y/n?!" Ned asked you urgently. "Not too well Ned" you replied. Ned grabbed your stuff and brought them and you to reception. "Mrs Swanson?" Ned asked looking for her attention. "Yes honey, Oh dear you alright sugar?!" She said noticing you. "Oh dear, stay right there i'll get you something. The old woman got up out of her chair and went to her mini fridge. "Here drink this darling." She said handing you a ice cold water. You were so pale. Was it sickness?Was is anxiety? Bit a both. "Honey you want me to call home?" she asked softly. You nodded. "Yes please Ma'am." you replied. "Right honey, can i get your parents or guardians name please." She asked logging in her computer. You tried to think who else you could get home, since Nat was on a mission. "Steve.....Rogers." you spoke. Ned and Mrs. Swansons' eyes both opened wide. "I knew i recognised you at the diner!" Ned announced. "Aw honey, your his and em what's that. young woman's name?....Natasha yeah their adopted lad right?" You nodded. "Don't worry honey i'll get Captain America down for you." Her and Ned laughed. You still feeling that your stomach was upside down. She got Caps number on the system and was called on the phone. "Hi captain." Mrs. Swanson giggled. Ned still in awe. Mrs. Swanson took the phoen down from her ear and to her chest. "Mr leeds, you better get going to class." she announced. Ned moaned and ended up leaving. "Right now see y'a in bit, honey." Mrs Swanson spoke on the phone. "He'll be in a minute honey" she said placing the phone down. You sat down in one of the chairs. Waiting for Steve. All the thoughts, all the worries caved in back to your brain. Making you sweat more and panic more. "You alright kid." Steve spoke from behind you. You smiled feeling some relief of his appearance. "Come on, i'll bring you home." he noticed as you were pale. "Hi there Captain America." Mrs Swanson swooned as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you ma'am." He said shaking her hand. Mrs Swanson was blushing. Steve took your shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll be home." Cal said reassuringly. The two of you got to his car. You placed yourself barley into the chair. Trying to just shut your mind you started differing with your rings Just until you made it home. Steve noticed you were fidgeting. "You stressed". You didn't say anything, you just nodded still fidgeting. "You sick?" he said trying to turn a corner. "I have no idea Steve. I just dunno. Broke down i guess" He smiled and grabbed your knee. "You'll be alright. Whatever the problem is. I'm always here." he smiled. Steve went back to driving. You went back to fidgeting. It wasn't long before you arrived back at HQ. Everyone was gone on missions or doing your own thing. Steve was alone at HQ. "Do you wanna lye down." steve asked you. You nodded and collapsed on the couch in the living area. You dozed off. Cap made you a cup of tea before he went over to the gym downstairs. You sipped your tea just relaxing and trying to just forget everything. You wondered where Peter was. You were so desperate that you text Peter.
>Hey, you went at school today. Just checking in to make sure you're. Also sorry for not responding to your text last night, i got caught up.

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