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You barely slept. Probably only got like 3 hours. Of course you weren't buzzing about school. But you weren't sad. Looking at your alarm clock for the 16th time, it read, 6:30. You knew it wasn't long before You would have to get up and ready. You sighed. Rolling over onto your pillow. You shit yours eyes craving at least one minute of sleep. BEEP! BEEP! "What the fu-" you said to yourself trying to shut off the alarm. It read 7:00. Half an hour literally went in a blink of an eye. You knew you couldn't escape it so you sucked it up and got out. Getting into formal yet comfy and baggy clothes. You put in your jewellery and got your bag, that was already filled up with books and supplies. About to leave, the door suddenly opened. Standing on the opposite side of the door was that boy you fell for. Peter Parker. He gave you a very assuring smile. You melted inside again. The two of you both walked out of the hall and into the living area. The sun beamed through the blinds. It was a lovely morning. Nat was alone in the kitchen and she had made your lunch. She gave you the biggest hug, trying to comfort you. You and Peter began to make your breakfast.  "You nervous Y/n" nat asked. "No, i'm buzzing." you said sarcastically. She again gave you big hug and coming out of the hug she said, "Have fun". She left you and Peter standing there while she went to the hall. "Where you going." you asked. "Bed." She said before she was out of sight. You took a deep breath. You started to pour a cup of tea when Peter grabbed your left hand. You blushed a little. "Please, you promised me you wouldn't be worried." You didn't hear that because all your focus was on his hand on yours. "What." you said blinking. "Come on." he said slightly annoyed. "Sorry." you apologised. He started tracing his thumb on your backhand. You had butterflies. "You'll be great." He said assuringly. You, still looking at his hands on yours, thanked him for like the a millionth time. He took his hands away and you two continued to make your breakfast. After breakfast, Peter gave you a card. "What's this?" you asked. "Emmm Tony gave it to me for you, it's a train card, how else did you think we could get into school." he laughed. "Oh, great." you said putting it in your pocket. Peter brought you to the train station not a long walk from HQ. Luckily the train was only in 2 minutes. Not long you hopped on, payed with your card and before long you were moving. The only people on the train were an only woman and a gay couple sitting at the back. You noticed Peter was a bit uncomfortable and awkward whenever the couple a few seats back laughed or were a bit too loud. You being you assumed that it was the fact that the couple was gay and you got a bit annoyed but mulled it over assuring yourself it was nothing.In an attempt to just start a conversation. Peter started telling you of the history of the school. You didn't hear a word because you were to busy daydreaming into his eyes, his coffee, delicate eyes. You occasionally looked at his lips. Wanting to just grab him there and then and kiss him. But you were still convinced he was straight by the way he talks as acts and the way he acted when you both seen the gay couple on the train,It made you a bit angry but you said to yourself "stop assuming" and quickly looked back at his eyes as he talked and talked. Not before long and after his lecture on the school. You were there the train rails brought you day right outside the school. School started at 8:45 and it was only 8;00 you still had some time. Ned and Mj were also there to greet you and Peter. "Hi guys." you said gaining some relief that you weren't alone. "Hey" mj said going back to reading her book. Ned gave a huge smile. "Nervous." Ned asked. "No not all." you said rolling your eyes. "Right let's get your timetable." Ned announced before bringing everyone to the front desk of the school. The lady at the front desk wore a welcoming smile and a lovely blue jumper. "Hi suga' welcome back." she greeted. "Hi Mrs.Swanson." Ned politely said. "May i have the timetable for Y/n L/n, please?" The women looked around Ned to see you. "You new here honey." You walked a bit closer. "Yeah." you stuttered. "It's ok baby , don't worry ,i'll get your timetable right now just wait one minute." She said as she got up and went to the room behind her. You turned to Pete and Mj, "She seems nice." "Here you go honey and that's your locker key." She said handing you a piece of paper and a key. "Thank you so much." you said. The key said '1134'. The woman gave you a little wink. Before you could get a look at your schedule, Peter grabbed your timetable and placed it beside his on the wall. He started murmuring to himself. He turned around quickly. He pointed to your timetable. We're in all the same classes except for Music and Art. So that's cool." he announced. A huge weight of relief hit you. "So what's my first class or our class I should say." Peter made a 'oh no' face. "Your class." He responded. "Art" All the relief that hit you all went away and the weight of anxiety hit your back harder than ever. "Don't worry Y/n Mjs in your class." A bit of relief hit you. You looked at Mj. She gave a you a slight smile. Not soon before a lot prepping. Peter, Ned and Mj all brought you through the school and to the lockers. Ned and Peters lockers were beside eachother Ans you looked for your locker. You asked Peter for help. " uh yeah sure so 1134 so that's em...." He brought you to a locker. On the locker it had engraved on it. "I love spider-man". "ok?" you enquired. Peter started rub along his neck. "Lovely" you sarcastically said. You opened up your locker and started unloading your books.You. Peter came to help but you were already finished. Peter seemed happy until.. "Shit" he said in defeat. "What's up Penis Parker!" a boy said from behind Peter. A couple people in the hall started giggling. Peters smile dropped. The boy came up to Peter. "How was your summer dickhead." he said while passing Peter. Peter said nothing as he walked away. You were shocked. "Peter you just let him do that!" "So?" he replied. "I can't believe you. At lest stick up for yourself....or I WILL." He smiled at your anger for him. Peter still sighed. "Peter does he ever hurt you?." you asked sincerely. "Words don't affect me." he replied smartly. "No, i mean physically." you added.He jolts his eyes at you. "No, he may act liek it but he wouldn't touch me." he said. You looked at him not believing him. "I promise." he said. You nodded. "Peter look I-". You said before being interrupted by Mj tapping you on the shoulder. "It's time to go." she said softly. "Shit already."!you sighed. "I'll see you later yeah?" Pete said before walking to his class. RING,RING,RING!!!!, the bell went off. You and Mj both started walking to class. You following Mj because you had no clue where you were going.

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