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You opened your eyes and Peter was beside you, You smiled at the sight you went and hugged him turning him over to see his face and curly messed hair. He smiled at you. You kissed his lips passionately intertwining your legs with his. Peter slowly took you out of lips. "Y/n." he said. "Yeah." you said smiling. "Y/n wake up." he said. "I love you to- what?" you said confused. "Y/n wake up." he said. His beautiful face began to shift into Tony's. "Y/n wake up." "Y/n wake up." you heard as the voice woke you up. You opened your eyes to see Tony standing over you. "What's wrong." you said pushing yourself up.  annoyed it was just a dream. "Everyones gone it's just us two and i have a meeting with the president so your home alone just letting you know, so." he said. "Great. Wouldn't be able to deal with everyone." You sighed. "Don't worry about it and don't let it get to your head. It was your first mission." he assured you. You smiled. "Right i'm off." he said. "Be good." he said going to the door. "Oh and um...." he started. "What you gonna do about Parker." he asked softly. "What can i do......If he wants to be friends again, he'll have to apologise and based off of it i'll decide if it's good enough to be forgiven, buts it's not lookin' in his favour." you said annoyed. "Fair..... Mrs Parker  called me last night." he said. "Yeah?" you asked. "yeah, he got into a bit trouble he's hurt badly." he said. You jolted up. "What happened?" you asked. "Don't know but uhm may doesn't know what happened but she knows he hurt you bad enough for you to leave him after ye know......and she wants you to know she's on your side."  he said. "She's on my side even though she doesn't know what happened." you laughed. "Yeah quote 'I trust him more than Peter at the moment.'". "Hahahah" you laughed. Tony smiled before walking off. "Tony!" you shouted to get his attention. "Yeah" he said popping his head back into your room. "Why did you 'fire' Peter." you said using your fingers to emphasise fire. He paused and looked down. "It's complicated Y/n, it's a lot and em....I'll tell you when i get back." he said. "Ok" you replied before Tony left for his meeting. You threw yourself on your bed. 'Wtf was that dream.' you thought yourself. You weren't complaining, it was nice and you wanted to go back to it. You still liked Peter, even if he was a homophobic piece of shit ( ◠‿◠ ). Getting up because you were home alone you walked to the kitchen. It was empty. HQ was so quiet. The time read 1:30 you slept late. You wanted a cup of coffee this time and you spent about 20 mins trying to figure out how to use the coffee grains. Eventually you made your cup and you sat down putting your feet up and turned on the telly. Flicking through the channels you ended up putting on F.R.I.E.N.D.S just to ahve have it in in the background. Turning on your phone. You saw something swing passed the window in the corner of your eye. Getting up and high to the table. A thing came swinging at the window. Thud! "Ah!" you jumped. It was spider-man. But he wasn't in his normal suit, he was in a weird tracksuit almost with weird goggles and cheap locking web things on his arms. "What do you want!" you shouted. "I just need to grab a few things." he said opposite the window. He crawled in through the window. "Hi" he said awkwardly. "Just get what you need, it's only me here so." you said sitting back down. "Cool." he said running around HQ grabbing gadgets and shit. He got back to the kitchen and had tons of stuff in his hands. "Would you like a bag with that?" you mocked him. He laughed. You grabbed him a plastic bag and he placed all of his stuff. You didn't look at what he was putting into avoid being nosy. "How are you?" he asked. This took you off guard, you didn't think he cared. "I'm fine yeah. Thank you for asking and em yourself." You asked. "Yeah i'm fine aswell thansk." he replied. "What happened to your other suit?" you smiled. "In the wash." he stated cleverly. You could see the creases in his make move so you knew they were smiling. "Right i better go." he said pointing to the window. "Yeah, yeah." you said backing up to signal he could go. "I only heard about Peter this morning." he said. "Oh yeah, pity." you said. "He really liked it here. "Do you know what he did." you asked. "I think he just tying to hard." He said walking past you. You made a confused face because that's not a proper reason to be fired. "How is Peter i haven't seen him anyway." he asked you as he was about to leave. "Em idk i haven't seen him either." you replied. "Really? I would've thought you would be comforting him or something aren't you guys friends ." he said. "Guess i'm a bad friend or was..." you said the last part under your breath. You looked at the guy in the weird tracksuit. He looked back at you. "What happened?" he asked. You paused "What?" you asked lying not knowing what he meant. "With Peter something happened i can tell." they said. "I haven't...nothing happened". you said. "Alright........ I got to go. See y'a!" he said before crawling his way out and swinging off. You sighed.

After a while of just moping around HQ and just relaxing it was around 5.pm and still no sign of anyone coming back. The september evenings were evident as it was starting to get old and the night were creeping in. You made yourself a cup of tea and put on some light music to set the mood, so you could relax.
As you sank into the couch it wasn't long before you were interrupted. THUD!! "URGH!" 'Wtf now' you said to yourself. You heard even more thuds until you heard a louder one from the long. You slowly creeped around the corner as you flexed your hand letting it glow and you looked down the hall. "PETER?!" you said as you looked down the hallway. It was just like the other time, he was covered in blood and deep cuts and bruises of every colour of the rainbow. "Shit" you said, you just needed to throw away all taht happend between the two of you because all you focused on now was helping the boy covered in blood. You quickly ran into Peters room and into the ensuite and started to run the bath. You grabbed about 20 towels and spread them across the bathroom floor and grabbed two to carry Peter in. Running out the room you grabbed Peter. Bringing him over to the bath you started to softly take off his clothes, it was easy because you didn't need to pull them off him. They could just slip off as they were already ripped into pieces. He now was only in his boxers though they were covered in blood. You blushed a little bit they went away as it was covered in blood, you softly placed him in it. He grunted as the bath filled up and up. "Pete, one minute." you said before running out to the bathroom. You stopped and started breathing heavily. 'wtf' you thought to yourself. It's like a movie. Grabbing anything you could find that could somewhat be of help to him, bandages, crèmes, sprays and vitamins. Running back to him you turned the switch off and the water stopped running into the bath. Peter grunted. He looked at you with shameful eyes. You gave him sympathy eyes. grabbing a cup from the cabinet you began to slowly and softly scoop water up and pour it over his body as he ached. "Stop moving." you said as you tried to get hard blood off his back. He grunted. Peter would moan if relaxation, as you poured the warm water over his sore body. After 10 mins you had gotten the majority of the blood off his skin. He moaned as you slowly pushed him to lye down. He was now lying in his back. His abs were now naked infront if you. You poured more water over his abs as you dabbed your towel over him. You had covered up most of the cuts and tended most of his wounds. The whole time he had this shameful frown on his face and had tears that were hustling waiting to fall but they couldn't. You had now down all you can. You leaned your back against the bath as you took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." he said softly as his voice cackled. You sighed. "About what." you snapped whispering. "Everything." he stated. You turned to to face him. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. "No Peter, you're not gonna cry your way out of this." you said. "I'm not." he said. "I'm sorry, i said that and i'm sorry about this and -" he said softly crying before you interrupted. "Peter, No! Why did you say that, you had full conscious about that word and you used it. THATS TWICE NOW! The locker and THIS. WEVE only known eachother for two weeks and all this is happening like. It makes no sense!!" you shouted at him. He looked at you with his worn out eyes. "Y/n it's not that simple." he said. "PETER i think it is! You know that words effect on me and the fact that you used it on me is just. Ugh, i can't look at you!" you said a bit over dramatic. "Y/n i'm-" he started. "WHAT YOUR SORRY PETER BECAUSE ITS A BIT FUCKING LATE!" "Y/N! IM BI!" he said.............

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