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"Who?" you asked. The tall man infront of you easily got annoyed. "Dr. Stephen Strange." he emphasised on each word. "Listen kid we need to talk." he said annoyed. "Where the hell are we?!" you said obnoxiously knowing it would make him annoyed. The man sighed and started rubbing his forehead. "Have a seat." he smirked. You looked around you. "There's no chairs." you said playing dumb. The man with the red cloak clicked his fingers. You flinched. Now you two were in a weird hallway with chairs. You hesitantly sat down. "What do you wa-" "Tea" you were interrupted. "No" you said blankly. "What do you want?." you asked sternly. "To talk" he said waving his fingers. "Bring me back to Hq NOW! or else." you shouted. "Or else what?" he said. You didn't respond. "i'll let you go after we talk." he said."Ok, talk then. Make it quick." You sighed. He summoned a book in his hand. You said 'woah' inside. The pages of the book flipped themselves. They flipped to a page. "This is you right?" he smiled as he showed you the page of the book. "I don't read gibberish sorry" you said sarcastically. The pages were in weird ruin like words and letters. The man rolled his eyes. He coughed. "The being that posses the power of the (infinity) stone shall he know as 'The Apollo'. This being is sai-" "Wait how the fu.....what how did you." you interrupted him. "No time." "What?" you said annoyed and confused. "Y/N!, Y/N!, WAKE UP, COME ON." You looked at the man in the chair. He started to dissolve away. Your surroundings now forming into Tony's lab and you now on the floor. The three heads dangled over you. Tony, Peter and Wanda. "Oh thank god" Peter said relieved. The three people infront of you all sighed and looked at you. "What happeded Y/n?!" . Wanda asked. You looked confused, "I-.... I genuinely don't know." Peter helped you up. You gave him a 'thank you' smile. "Peter take him to bed." Tony stated. " I'm fine." you said. " No you need to rest ok." Wanda said. you sighed. Peter took your arm and started dragging you. Peter dragged you to your bed and placed you in so gently. He gave you an awkward pat, to signal he was going. "Could you stay?" you asked suddenly. Peter smiled, you couldn't see it, in teh inside. He walked over and sat down on your bed. You suddenly realised what you just asked. "or go i don't care." you laughed off. He smiled. He layed down beside you not under the covers but still there. "I could use the nap." he laughed. He and you now both lying down. No words. Silence. Al you could hear was his breathing. It comforted you. You wanted to cuddle him. Of course you couldn't but still. Your headache and the fact taht Peter was beside you made you drowsy and eventually konck out. Pete realised this and got out of bed giving himself a little smile at how quickly you fell asleep. He slowly left the room.

Time skip- 6 hours

"Y/n, dinner!" you heard a voice calling. You were still half asleep and didn't know what was going on. Nat entered the room. "You alright,come on dinner." She said signaling her hand out for you to grab it. You slowly got out of bed and grabbed Nats hand as you both walked to the kitchen. You entered the kitchen. Everyone was their except for the people that have families and live with them. Vision was at the kitchen island finishing off dinner. You took a seat at the dining table beside Peter. "You alright." he asked as you sat down. You looked at him and nodded your head and smiled. You were still very tired and then suddenly you remembered your starting school tomorrow. You suddenly started getting very nervous and anxious about the idea. Although Peter goes to the school, What if he's not in any of your classes? What if you get lost in the halls? What if people are going to judge you?. All of these stupid questions kept popping in your head. You felt your throat close up. And you started sweating. You took your head down yo your knees and started scratching your head. Peter noticed this. He threw his head down to where yours was. "Y/n" he said. You immediately tossed your head back up. "Tell me....." You looked at the boy beside you. His eyes calmed you down. "School." you said looking down again. He grabbed your right hand. "You'll be great, and plus You have me." He gave the softest smile. You melted inside. "AAnd Ned and Mj" he said panicking. You laughed. He was such a nice person, every minute you fell harder for him. He let go of your hand. Before you could think another second the dinner was laid. "We're having fajitas everyone." Vision announced. Everyone seemed chuffed about the dinner choice. Like usual everyone scoffed the good right up without a trace left. "The boys are cleaning up."  Sam announced. "No" you and Peter said in unison. Before the two of you could protest. The kitchen was cleared. Not one person left. Just you, Peter and tons and tons of dishes everywhere. You scoffed and threw your hands out. Peter without saying anything started efficiently getting all the dishes. You were a bit struck by how he didn't huff or puff. His dedication made you start to clean up aswell. The two of yous washed and cleaned, filled up the dishwasher and all that. During the clean up Peter spoke up. "Y/n, please don't worry about tomorrow. You really will be ok." He said this so thoughtfully. It was really charming. "Thansk Pete. I owe you one." you said drying your hands. "I don't you worry though." he kept trying to remind you. It was sweet. "Again, thank you Petey." He smiled at Petey. It was only around 8 o clock. So you and Peter just watched some tv before you went to bed. The whole time you guys were together he kept trying to keep you calm for tommorow. You thought it was cute, kinda like overprotective. As you laid in bed, all the thoughts about school came back into your head. This time you don't swell up and sweat. You were calm. You weren't looking forward to tomorrow but still new beginnings with Peter. With him.

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