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You strolled into HQ. You were conflicted about your thoughts on Peter. You went to get your phone out of your pocket but as you took it out a piece of paper fell out. You picked it up confused. You uncrumpled the piece of paper to see something written. You bit your tongue grinning as you read the paper. It read:

0135689221 - ;)

'He gave me his number, how tf did he give me it.' He was so slick it was hot. You moaned. You now wanted to go to that gig thing he was talking  about. Were  you about to text him you could could actually go? Omg you were. The fact that Peter didn't like him made him even better.
> Hey Edvin, slick giving me your number. I was wondering if i could get a recall on your offer earlier. Haha.

You thought you were so weird and awkward texting him. You didn't expect him to reply instantly. A bit weird.
>Hey yeah, at 8:00 It's in Central Park so where do you wanna meet? It's kinda like a free concert so you won't  miss it.

Jesus, You we're actually going through with this. It wasn't like you to do something so irrationally.  You text back
> Em I'll meet you there i'll get a lift up or something. Sound good?

He replied.
> Sure, sounds great, can't wait! 🔥🔥

Tou caught yourself smiling. You turned off your phone and walked into the main area. In there was mostly everyone.  "Nat?" you said wanting to get her attention. "You're home." She said grabbing you into a hug. "Yeah em....." you said. "What's wrong?" Nat asked. "Could you bring me to Central Park at liek around 8 tonight.....please." You smiled. Nat thought it about but she looked conflicted. "Why.....?" she asked. "I made a new friend and they asked me to go." you stated. She clenched her eyes. "Special friend." He grinned. You rolled your eyes. "Fine i'll bring you, please please call me when you want home, and give me a good notice." "Deal" you replied. "Is Peter going." Nat asked. "Don't think so." you replied. " K" Nat responded. You both smiled.  "I'm glad your meeting new people." she spoke. "me too" you replied. "I better do homework." you said running to your room."

Pov- Nats phone.
> Hey kid, Y/n is going to a thing with a friend i need spider-man to make sure he's ok.
PP- Friend?, what friend.
> He didn't mention a name.
PP- Oh wait nvm ik who it is.
>Can i count on you?
PP - 🕸🕷

You, in your room we're seconding on what to wear. You couldn't pick. You were so nervous about tonight. What if it was awakward, What if all of his friends where there and no one talked to you. "Shit" you said realising you're overthinking again. You really needed to get homework done so you forgot about the clothes  and got stuck into that. You managed to finish all your homework. You also had dinner with the whole gang until it was nearly time to go. 7:20. "You ready!" Nat shouted up the stairs to you. "Coming,"you said excitingly.  You ran down the stairs. You whipped out your phone when you got in the car. You text Edvin.
"Who is the friend anyway?" Nat asked. "Your gonna make fun of me." you said. Nat faked gasped. "It's the guy from this morning isn't it?" she announced. You didn't respond only smirked. "Well." she said trying to sound shocked. "If you wanna go on a date just tell me don't make up a lie about a concert." she laughed. "It's not a date." you scoffed. "His friends are going eswell." you scoffed again. "Why didn't you ask Peter to go?" she asked. " He's not the biggest fan of him." you stated. "Why?" she asked genuinely confused. " I'm just in the dark as you, Pete won't budge." You said as your phone dinged. "Oooh is that him." Nat said mockingly. "Mhm." you nodded rolling your eyes.
> Great i'm here see ya in 5
He text. You text back.

As you drove you couldn't stop thinking about Peter. What was the whole on the roof. Where he comforted you. Where he held your hand. Those long stares you two had. Or what about that time at the star wars marathon where you two were literally in the same bed. Maybe Tony was right. Maybe Peter is that oblivious. It annoyed you so much all the different signals. You shrugged it off, you wanted to have fun tonight.  You watched as the skyscrapers caved in around the cars. The lights, the people. New York at night was beautiful. You were almost at Central Park when your phone got another buzz. It was a text from Peter.

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