Chapter 14: Meeting Edgeshot

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You push to door open revealing the reception to the Edgeshot Agency. It was like you were in a different building from the one you saw outside. On the exterior it looked like any normal hero agency belonging to someone in the top 5; tall, modern and fancy looking. On the inside, however, it more resembled an old dojo than anything playing into the whole ninja theme of the hero himself.

Receptionist: Oh are you Y/N L/N? Come on over here and we'll get you sorted!

You make your way over to the reception desk still taking in your surroundings looking at all of Edgeshot's old costumes that he wore when he first came onto the hero scene. A collection of blades and ninja stars adorned the walls. Finally arriving at the reception desk the receptionist fills you in.

Reception: Welcome to the Edgeshot Hero Agency L/N, it's great to have you working with us! Don't worry you're in safe hand, not that you'd need that though we all saw what you can do in the sports festival it was so impressive! Edgeshot really wanted to send you an offer as soon as he could!

Y/N: So talkative and noisy I just want to get on with the internship already... So what am I meant to be doing then?

Receptionist: Oh, right! Sorry I almost forgot! Here's your room key, your room is on the 4th floor so you'll probably want to put all of your stuff away as soon as possible. Once you've done that Edgeshot wants to talk to you about the plan for the week ahead. And dinner tonight is at 7pm, make sure you're not late if you want your fill! 

Y/N: Alright thanks for that, I'll get going then.

Receptionist: Good luck L/N!

Y/N: Wait good luck? Why do I need good luck???

On the way to your room you pass some sidekicks of Edgeshot, they all give you a wave but nothing more.

Y/N: Finally at the room I really want to get into the action as soon as possible I'll just dump everything and head up.

Much like the rest of the agency it looked exactly like a dojo with tatami flooring and a mattress on the floor with a wardrobe, some storage space and your own en-suite. 

Y/N: Couldn't at least have given me a bed?

On the mattress you spot a note addressed to you from Edgeshot.

"Welcome, L/N, to the Edgeshot agency. On behalf of everyone here we look forward to working with you and we hope you enjoy your stay and get as much out of this internship as you can. For today I want you to get changed into your hero costume and meet me in my office on the top floor."

Opening the case your hero costume is in you noticing something off. Your normal gi isn't in there, instead it's been replaced by a different looking one. In slight annoyance you look back at the note.

"By now I'm sure you will have realised that there have been some changes to your costume. Don't worry I requested them personally. I figured that bright orange and blue weren't the best for when it comes to stealth so I made the necessary changes. I'm sure you'll like how they look!"

Y/N: Wait how did he know I would stop reading at that exact point and then start reading when I realised? 

You bite the bullet and get changed into your new hero costume. Edgeshot wasn't wrong at least it still looked cool.

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