Chapter Five

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The dinner after that is uneventful. Miss Gateshead appears with all the other teachers, gives some speech about us all being exceptional, we eat and then we go and spend time unpacking and getting to know each other.

The next morning I take a painstakingly long time to get ready, trying to look my absolute best for today's inevitable run-in with Elijah. I've never been this girl before, I've never cared before. My old friends would die if they could see me meticulously put on mascara instead of head down to breakfast. But it has to be done. A girl must look her best in front of boys who look like him.

In fact, most of the people in the school are extremely toned and fashionable, I suppose it's not much of a surprise given their access to money and social media. 

Sadly for me, my first lesson is extremely Elijah-devoid, and a very normal lesson in science. Because even though I know she was joking, Grace didn't seem like she was joking about this being a spy school.

I'm reassured after science when I have English Language, and after that Wu Chinese. I try not to act offended when everyone, including the teacher, is surprised I'm fluent. To my ever growing disappointment, Elijah is in none of these lessons with me.

At lunch, I whip out my schedule to see the what the rest of my lessons are. But Monday and Friday afternoons are completely marked out for something called C.M.

"Hey," I ask to Lily across the table, "What's C.M?"

Lily frowns at me, "covert Missions."

"Yeah," I roll my eyes, "Grace and I have already done this bit. What is it really?"

Lily looks confused, "it's Covert Missions."

"Wait," Tessa leans across the table and then lowers her voice. "Do you not know that we're basically a school for spies?"

"Oh, for God sake," I snap. "Must we do this?"

Grace chuckles, "I told you she doesn't believe me."

"Wow," Tessa says, "I didn't know that was possible. I thought you had to be like a kid of a spy or whatever to get in here."

"You're telling me that guy over there is the kid of a spy?" I say, nodding towards a boy the year below. He is the width of a scaffolding pole and looks like he would be knocked over by a feather.

"He wouldn't work in the field." Lily says quickly.

"Of course he wouldn't." I say, sarcastically. "Are you really not going to tell me what C.M is?"

"We have," Lily insists, "you don't believe us."

I sit back in my chair, "well, we find out in fifteen minutes anyway."

"Yes," Grace is grinning. "Yes we do. You'll like the teacher too."

"Oh, yeah?" I arch an eyebrow. "Why's that, is it James Bond?"

Grace chuckles."No. It's Elijah's older brother. Stan Jones."

"Super hot," Tessa tells me.

"Must be weird for Elijah." I say, "having his brother here."

Tessa shrugs, "I think it's cool, it's kind of like his brother is Bond, you know?"

"We're really running with this spy thing?" I ask them.

"It's not a thing if it's true." Lily retorts.

Grace stands up, but she looks like she's trying not to keel over from laughter. Which confirms that this is a giant failing joke they're playing on me. "We should probably get changed into our sports gear."

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