Chapter 15 The truth

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I ran down the dirt path and hid behind one of the trees in the forest, trying avoid whatever the thing was Keela turned into.

I heard growling as Keela moved closer to my hiding spot. I still couldn't figure out why she was trying to kill me I barely even know her. I then slightly saw Keela's tail poke out from behind another tree across from me. I covered my mouth with my hand to cover up my breathing so she couldn't hear it.

I then felt someone touch my shoulder from behind. I went to scream but another hand covered my mouth. I felt myself get pressed up against someone's chest.

"It's ok Sapph. It's just me" I heard Theo's voice say from behind me and I started to relax.

"What do we do?" I whispered trying to be quiet so Keela couldn't hear us.

"Look Sapph whatever happens in the next few minutes just stay out of it and just know that we didn't tell you because we wanted to keep you safe" he said and stood up to face Keela before I would stop him.

He ran to Keela and did something that made me want to punch myself to believe it. Theo had disappeared and some sort of leopard had taken his place.

I jerked back after Keela launched for me but Theo tackled her But not before she could scratch me on my left arm leaving a massive bleeding wound. I backed up into a corner between two trees. Yes I know this probably not a good idea then someone's trying to kill you but I was so freaked out that I didn't know what to do.

I started to hyperventilate as the scene unfolded in front of me. I started breathing so hard that my knees buckled from under me and I collapse. My hearing started to feel really distant and tears started streaming down from my eyes from shock and trauma. I blacked out for a second but started to come back and saw Keela had disappeared from our view and Theo started to walk back over to me.

I curled up into a ball of the floor in fear and continued crying as he came closer to me. I brought my knees up to my stomach, hid my head in my arms and cried.

I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and pull me off the floor. I knew I was Theo so I continued to bawl my eyes out into his chest.

"Shh Sapph you're ok now. I'm not gonna hurt you" Theo soothed me as I cried.

I then started to feel really light headed and like something had just punched me in the back. My legs buckled and I fell forward against Theo.

"Whoa Sapph easy. Are you ok?" He said but I couldn't seem to answer.

"Come on let's get you back to the dorms" he said and picked me up bridal style.

"Theo what are you?" I muttered just loud enough so he could hear.

"I'm a jaguar, but don't worry I would never hurt you" he said, continuing to walk back to the dorms.


I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of someone shouting my name. I barely fluttered my eyes open and didn't speak since I was too tired and weak from where Keela had attacked me.

"What happened to her!" I heard Eleanor's voice say panicked from in front of us.

"Keela attacked her" Theo said as he continued to walk with me in his arms.

"Is she ok?" I the. Heard Layla's voice ask Theo.

"Yeah but she now knows" I heard Theo sigh as he said this.

"Is she ok with it?" Eleanor asked and I felt Theo sigh again.

"I don't know she was in tears and collapsed by the time I got to her"

Being a Haddock~ ON HOLD & Under Editing!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu