Chapter 14 News

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2 months later...

I have currently been at Hogwarts for almost a term now and I'm loving it. I have made so many great friends and I spend every minute laughing and joking around with the people in my house. There's only two things bothering me. One my feelings for Theo have continued to get stronger and I have no idea why. Two there's this girl from Slytherin that keeps on giving me death glares and I have no idea why. What did I ever do to her? I don't even know her.

Today is saturday which means we've got the week off and I'm just chilling out in the Hufflepuff common room with Layla and the rest of the group, Theo was still in bed. I looked over and saw Eleanor watching something on her laptop. The news I think.

"I think cannot believe that you brought your laptop to Hogwarts" Layla smirked but Eleanor just shrugged before putting her headphones back on and carried on watching the screen.

I was just reading one of the books I had in my room that I picked up before I left. I wasn't much of a reader before I left home but ever since we arrived at Hogwarts I've been reading most of my freetime. Well when you are attending a school that doesn't have computers or anything close to it and it doesn't have a netball court you have to improvise.

I have also noticed that my lack on sport has turned me into my sister a little bit. I have now got really long hair, I wear it down at the time. I seem to have grown a liking to music and I also found out something amazing about my group of friends.

They have formed a dance group that is going to be touring sometime soon. I felt like a total idiot when I didn't know this because it was all over twitter but being who I am I didn't pay any attention to the music world until now.

"Morning guys" I heard Theo's voice and looked up from my book to see him at the top of the stairs still trying to wake up.

"Hiya Theo, you're up late" I greeted him and he smirked at my snide comment.

He walked down the stairs and took a seat next to me on the couch before looking over at Eleanor on her laptop, eyes still glue to the screen like it was the only thing keeping her alive.

"She Really can't live without it can she?" Theo commented and I shook my head while snickering"

"Nope" Was all I said.

"Eleanor you seriously need to get out more honey" Layla said and Eleanore quickly turned towards us.

"No" She said while taking her headphones off and unplugging them from the laptop.

"Come and look at this" She said and we all hopped up from our stops in the common room and crowded around the computer about seeing a picture of me on the news.

"Is that..?" Felix trailed off and Eleanor nodded but I just lent over and pressed play.

"The search for the missing teenager continues. Sapphire Haddock was last seen in her Berk home on Wednesday morning in her bedroom having some time to herself" The news reporter said and I sighed.

I looked behind at Theo who wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled at him appreciating his comfort then looked back at the screen to see my mom and dad.

"She had been very distance the last two weeks before she disappeared. She didn't come out of her room nor did she speak to any of us" Dad explained to the reporters.

"She had always been very close to her sister to so we don't really understand what was going on inside her head before she went missing"

"Police are now treating this as a kidnapping. This is a photo of the missing teen. Anyone who had claimed to have seen her or does see her is told to inform police as soon as possible, and Sapphire if you are watching this please come home" The reporter finished and the screen went black.

Being a Haddock~ ON HOLD & Under Editing!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin