"What's going on?" I whispered to him, watching as more and more monkeys come from nowhere and appear into a larger gathering.

"I'm waiting for them to show before I make my announcement." He said back before standing and taking 2 steps forward, "My sons and daughters, today has finally marked the day as I promised you some time ago. (f/n), from the moment we first met to now, every shared moment has buzzed in my head and just the thought of you or you being here by my side has my heart beating like mad. What I'm trying to say is I love you and I can't see anybody else stand by my side as my queen. Will you do me the honor and become my queen?" Wukong proposed, going down on one knee and bending his head down. The monkeys proceeded to do the full bow down as well.

A drop of a needle could be heard. I couldn't breathe. I felt just as dizzy and confused as the others. "No." I finally spoke.

"W--what? Why? I thought you love me?" He asked, standing back up. I felt a shift in the air. I need to leave, now! 

"I can't because this isn't my home. You know that. All of my friends know that. Wukong, I think it's best if I get my stuff and go home." my tone was even and flat, no room for discussion or arguing.

I walked away, going back in from whence I came, only to hear fast footsteps behind me. "Is there someone else? Who is it that you love?! You...you have all these people who are throwing themselves at you and you won't give any of them a chance! Are you mad, woman?" Wukong's voice changed! It had an Australian accent to it at the end of his sentence! Gasping, I pulled my hand away and stepped back.

Realizing what happened, he cleared his throat, "I mean, you know that some of us like you. Why don't you give love a chance? It's not like it will hurt you to open your heart y'know." He tried to reel back the situation that he already had come undone.

Not saying a word, I still ran back in before I could be stopped again. Somehow finding my stuff, a monkey was carrying it somewhere but I snatched it as I ran by. I wasn't sure where the exit was so the closest window I found, I jumped through it and landed on the ground. I was still on the first floor so I didn't drop too far.

Hurrying to the front, I rummaged through my bag for something that could help until I found a folded sheet of paper that was a bit bent up. Opening it, I looked at it, examining it's content. "I--I remember this." I murmured, looking at my sketch of my future. Before I could open it, I felt another shake; the earthquake- like experience was already vey scary, worse when you're in a cave! And...things seemed to clip out before going back to normal again? Now knowing that there was another unusual phenomenon going on, I went back to the folded paper. In the hand sketched picture, It was a stall you would see in the market. The stall had random trinkets and items on display, and a string of lanterns lit up above it.

On the table had jewelry and gems for sale. Including an orb with one of my powers on it! But wait, then how? What happened? I was searching-- I let out a gasp; I was searching for it last night, but what happened after that?

I closed my eyes and use the noise of the water fall to help me as a background noise as I clear up my foggy memories from the previous night.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt this and almost at a loss of what to do. Not the power thing; in a world like this, probably a good 1/16 knows that feeling. The one where you want to clear your head and do your usual thing, only for it to not help in any way and sort of frustrates you more. I'm right there. Music is my main way of relaxing, mix it with running or a cruise on the road and I would slowly melt away some of my worries and issues; think clearer and focus the core problem and get things going right again. But it's not working now. Then again, I'm not out to just clear my head.

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