{Dinner's Ready}

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Tommy hummed as he made dinner, though only Tubbo and Micheal were eating it made him determined to make a good meal. He stirred the food trying not to burn his hand on the side of the wok. He grabbed a peice of chicken with the spatula and ate it to make sure it tasted right. He smiled and happily took the wok off the stove and turned off the fire.
He stretched a bit before yelling out to his family "Tubbo! Micheal! Dinner's done" he set the food on the table and got some plates while he listened to Micheal and Tubbo scramble from their rooms to get to the table. He laughed as Tubbo face planted beside the table while Micheal got into his chair. He went to Tubbo and helped the poor ram up. "You've gotta slow down Tubs, you're gonna busy your head open one day!" He scolded Tubbo lightly, trying not to laugh at his friend's face.
After calming down a bit He plated the food for the two hungry grimlins. He quickly put their plates down and pulled his hand away just in time for it to not be bitten by a grimlin child. He sat down shaking his head, laughing a bit while he got his own plate of food. He could help but feel a little bit sad because of how much food he had prepared compared to how much they would actually eat. Shaking his head, he went to eating.


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