My Toms pt 2

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YOOOOOOOOOOOO Look who's doing great? That's right, you are. I am proud of you for being here.

Tommy snapped out of it and started to listen again "Toms!! When is bee and boo coming home?" Micheal whined, already finished with the plate of food. "Hmm.. If their mining, most likely a long while, most of the day or tomorrow morning kiddo" Tommy smiled softly, he didn't want to let Micheal down despite the fact he practically just met the kid. Wait.. How does he know my nickname? The kid looked down sighing "They promised to watch a movie with me this week..." Tommy scoffed "You act as if I'm not here." The younger looked up squirming in his seat "Wait! TOMS?! WILL YOU WATCH A MOVIE WITH ME AND- AND-" he started to get overly excited, stumbling over his words. The older snorted "Of course! Why would I miss out on watching a movie with my favorite kid?" He beamed, It had been a while since Tommy was anyone's favorite or company besides Tubbo or Ranboo, so it was nice to be center of attention for anyone. Tommy got up stretching "It's about time you got dressed big man" he yawned helping Micheal get out of the chair. "Bee shirt, Bee shirt, boo shirt, boo shirt" The kid chanted racing back upstairs, leaving Tommy to cackle at the randomness.

Tommy and Micheal had been practicing and playing with Pretend swords and fighting off pretend bad guys. Sometimes, imagination was enough to fulfill any role that you give a person or even surfed animal. Tommy ended up falling over allowing Micheal to crawl ontop of him and giggle about him finally defeating the dragon. The two settled onto the floor after a few moments, both of them tired and sleepy. Micheal sat up quickly gasping "Toms! Toms! Movie time, Movie time!" He squealed. Tommy hauled himself up smiling "Alright alright, let's go choose a movie, munchkin" "Your the best! My Toms! My Toms is the beeesssssttt" Micheal raced around, happy to be spending time with someone he now admired

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