Two weeks?

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Two seconds later Slimecicle died due to being shot by the sherif in murder mystery.[for the picture]

Tubbo stared at Tommy in Disbelief "What? It's only been two weeks and-" Ranboo slightly nudged Tubbo to go with Philza. The small ram muttered something about Ranboo being lucky then left with Phil. Ghostbur took his leave knowing that he would need to give out some blue to Tubs. Ranboo sat on the side of the hospital bed sighing "Hi Tommy..." "Hi.. Ranboo.." Tommy muttered looking away, not liking the serious tone that has set in about him being back. Ranboo slightly looked at Tommy, he didn't look well and it was obvious by now that Tommy's left eye was blinded. He cleared his throat "Do you remember anything from the day you.m went away?" "I uhm.. I remember smiling at Tubbo and A horrible pain in my eye, not much else" the other admitted twiddling his thumbs. Ranboo nodded a bit "Do you want to go back to your house for a bit..?" "Can I stay with you or Tubbo instead..?" "Sure, I'm sure Tubbo won't mind"

[A Couple hours later]

Tommy held his bags tightly in his arms, Tubbo had insisted on the three of them staying in logstedshire(How does one spell this-). It was apparent that the two he was going to be staying with had a child or pet due to him hearing something about Micheal every now and again. Ranboo had been carrying most of Tommy's things with them and was trying to catch up again after dropping a few things. Tubbo laughed as he ran past Tommy, the Ram boy was energetic and happy. Tommy adjusted his hold on his things them ran after Tubbo leaving the poor half enderman to stand there trying to catch his breath.

[When they get to the house] Yes, another timeskip

They had just finished putting Tommy's things down when Tubbo had dragged the poor Racoon boy upstairs. Ranboo laughed at Tommy's reaction to seeing a child, to scream "WHOAH WHY IS IT TOUCHING ME" a slap could be heard then a hiss from Tubbo "MICHEAL IS NOT AN IT TOMMY!!" Times like these are worth remembering
After Tommy had visited with Micheal for a while, he refused to leave and wanted to spend some time with the kid, leaving Tubbo and Ranboo to fix up a room for Tommy and spend some time together. "Hey Ranboo?" Tubs hummed slightly grasping the Ender's hand "Mhm?" "Since someone took Tommy's hotel.. Do you think he would like to help us work on the Inn? I know having the big hotel would be a Hassel and.." he trailed off as Ranboo hugged him tightly "If you ask him, I doubt he'd say no" Ranboo hummed, happy that he could spend some alone time with his husband.

On the other hand, Tommy had been in Micheal's room(of course) playing tag with the kid, not running too fast nor too slow so he could be caught easily and so Micheal could run from him. The Racoon ended up in the floor acting as if the little piglin had defeated him "Ooouh.. Ipad kid cough I have... died..." he stuck his tounge out as Micheal gasped. "Tom's! Toms! No die!" He squealed trying his best to save his new friend. Tommy gasped hugging Micheal "You saved me!" He yelled, dramatically putting his hand against his head. Micheal would giggle and hug him back "I save Toms!!" He squealed.

568 words!

Halfway Blinded Racoon - A Dream SMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now