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Tommy was laying on the couch bored out of his mind, he didn't know what to do and half the time he would sneak out at night when Micheal would be a sleep so he could visit with the others. Today was different, Tubbo and Ranboo were home and they would catch him very quickly if they caught him off guard or from the wrong side. He got up and walked to Ranboo, grumpily hugging him. "What's wrong Toms?" Ranboo hummed picking him up "I wanna go outside.." he responded not looking up at the other "We can go outside tomorrow when it's bright out Tommy, does that help any?" Tommy shook his head sighing, he didn't want to explain to Ranboo why he wanted to go outside right now. "Look, Tubbo's in the kitchen right now, the door is right there, go go go-" Ranboo put him down. "But Ranboo.. I want you to come outside too.." he said softly pulling on the ender's sleeve. Ranboo sighed and allowed himself to be dragged outside. Ranboo winced at the harsh.air but followed Tommy wondering how he could even be out there in a short sleeve shirt. "Tommy? What are we doing?" He questioning shivering a bit "Snowmen... I want to build snowmen Ranboo" he turned and looked at the ender hybrid "I haven't built a snowman in a while and I don't want to wait for you or Tubbo to not be busy during the day, because that'll never happen Ranboo. Just this once I want to feel like a dumb kid building a snowman, even if it means you'll make fun of me" he sniffled a bit, more obviously cold. Ranboo sighed and took off the suit jacket he was currectly wearing and put it on Tommy "Next time bring a jacket Tommy, I'll be back with a jacket for you." He left Tommy and went inside. Tommy shivered watching Ranboo go, his tears felt hot against his eyes but as soon as they rolled down his face he could tell they just barely dropped onto Ranboo's suit jacket before freezing. He wiped his face and pulled the jacket close, hoping that Ranboo wouldn't leave him out there. It was an odd feeling to he standing there waiting for someone he in the past hated so much for stealing his best friend. Ranboo accidentally stole everyone from him, yet he was one of the first people to welcome him into their arms lovingly. Ranboo really was the perfect companion and friend by now, he tried his best to treat everyone with kindness while he is hurting. Tommy was the complete opposite of Ranboo, he was loud and quick to violence. He tried everything to keep people close and failed because he didn't know how to properly show affection. He sighed deep in thought, not realizing Ranboo had returned. "Tommy? Didn't you want to build a snowman?" He looked up to see Ranboo smiling softly at him with a big puffy jacket in his hands. Tommy sighed and hugged Ranboo instead, he sniffled trying to keep the Ender hybrid close. Ranboo hugged him back, bending down to hold him and keep him warm, the jacket forgotten. Tommy yawned pressing his face into Ranboo's chest "Can we go inside now? I think building snowmen can wait another day" he murmured softly. Ranboo smiled and picked him up, walking back inside. Tubbo stood there waiting, he at first looked disappointed then looked worried seeing Tommy really only had Ranboo's suit jacket for protection against the snow. Tubbo sighed "Let's go to bed Ranboo, big man Tommyinnit looks like he's ready to sleep, do you mind if he sleeps with up tonight?" "Of course not Tubbo, I don't think I'll be able to put him in a different bed either way by now" he chuckled.

Halfway Blinded Racoon - A Dream SMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now