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Tommy was finally able to see enough to where he could take Micheal around and let him have an actual childhood.
Micheal was of course a leash kid and had an IPad in his small little hands as he ran from isle to isle asking what everything was while Tommy awnsered, annoyed that he was still the only one to have taken him outside. After a while of questioning and begging, the two had made it to the toy isle where all the glorious new toys were. Tommy tried to drag Micheal away but to no avail, Micheal had his eyes set on the giant bee plushies and a lego build set. Reluctantly the older grabbed both items and dragged Micheal to the check out so he wouldn't have to buy anything else. The small piglin child still managed to snag candies and very sugary sodas. Tommy slightly gasped at the ammount he had to pay for just two toys and some dumb sweets. Muttering about how lucky Micheal was, he payed for the items quickly and took Micheal back home.

Very short chapter, not feeling up to writing but don't want to leave you people without an update! Also, if you want a story written you can comment it beneath any chapter and I will try to write it out :) ♡♡
[Just wondering, should I do a motivational/nice thing at the beginning of each chapter?]

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