Cookies [1/2]

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Tommy, no matter how hard he tried, ended up becoming a motherly figure towards Micheal. This seems odd, because he's not a girl nor did he act like one. Well, Tommy ended up learning how to cook, bake, ect to take care of Micheal while Tubbo and Ranboo were out. More often than not, Tommy would be there alone with Micheal for weeks to months at a time. Tommy understood that Tubbo had to quarantine himself most of the time due to working with dangerous materials, and Ranboo often times than not was staying with Techno and Philza. Tommy ultimately decided to teach Micheal and let him outside for longer periods of time so the two of them could bond. Everyonce and a while Micheal would end up calling Tommy dad or uncle, which he didn't mind, but when the child called him mom is when he realized how protective he had become. The two practically got bored of everything on a daily basis so they ended up in the kitchen, trying to cook things that one of them remembered or heard of before.
Once, Tommy was singing with Micheal while they waited for the cookies to bake when Ranboo casually came through the kitchen as if he hadn't disappeared the day before. Tommy screamed, while Micheal ran to his father babbling about cookies. Ranboo had picked up Micheal and just tried not to laugh at Tommy. Tommy was in a 'mom outfit' with a 'kiss the cook' apron on, his much too long hair was tied up into a bun. Tommy scoffed "What?! Your lucky you came back while we were baking cookies for your dumb arse!" Tommy snarled crossing his arms. Ranboo sighed "Tubbo's comming home today, I thought I'd warn you to not be feisty" he replied sniffing the air. "The cookies smell good, what type?" "Mom makes snick doodles!" Micheal squealed running to the oven to check on the cookies. Tommy froze, he forgot that Micheal slips up and calls him mom or dad. Ranboo wheezed "YOU FIT INTO THE MOTHERLY ROLE NOW!" He cried out leaning on the counter. Tommy muttered curses under his breath "Micheal, the cookies won't be done for now. Let's turn on a movie, how about Moana? Your dad would love to watch it with you" as Tommy announced that, Micheal gasped, grabbing Ranboo's hand "Boo! Boo must watch!" The kid squealed dragging the poor enderman to turn on and watch the movie. Tommy smiled, satisfied with the 'punishment' he had just given Ranboo and set a timer for the cookies.

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