Fighting won't help

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Tommy and Micheal woke up to the sounds of yelling and someone hitting a wall. Of course, Micheal was scared and tried to huddle up against Tommy for protection. It was weird that there was fighting when Ranboo and Tubbo were always lovey dovey when he was around and just overheard conversations. Tommy kissed Micheal's forehead sighing "Hey bud, how about you take your headphones and IPad into the closet? When I come back we'll go get you a new lego set, alright?" The kid nodded and did as told, knowing that when his 'mom' came back, they would be going to get him away from a toxic environment.

Tommy put on a brave act and went to where the screaming was comming from and saw that it wasn't Ranboo and Tubbo screaming at eachother, they were trying to get Techno to stop trying to go upstairs where he was just at. "Tubbo? Ranboo?" The two looked at him, being slightly panicked "T-Tommy! Why are you up..?" Tubbo slightly went stepped towards him. "Oh.. I heard screaming and assumed that you and Ranboo were fighting" he trailing off after looking at Technoblade for a moment too long. "Tommy. Why are you here" the blade suddenly spoke up walking over to him. "I.. If you really want to know, could we talk in private?" Techno nodded at Tommy then lead them outside. Tommy's hands were slightly shaking, but he still followed anyways.
Techno stared through Tommy hoping for something to happen. Tommy finally spoke up "Techno. Why are you actually here? I didn't expect you to care about where I was at all." "I came here on the whim of overhearing Phil and Ranboo talk about you taking something called Micheal to the store so.." he trailed off slightly embarrassed. "Oh, did you hope Micheal was a dog or something?" The smaller smiled slightly laughing. "I- Tommy! I knew it wasn't a dog- I was only hoping for it to be one.." this comment made the already snickering 'child' burst out into laughter, this was funny but cute. Techno scoffed "Am I even going to be told what Micheal is, or are you going to laugh at me more?" "Sorry! Sorry! I think now that you've simmered down a bit, you should ask them who Micheal is." He had finished laughing and was heading back inside with a big smile.

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