The Further we go

24 1 0

Gravity Falls

21st Century

A portal materialized on the sidewalk, and Colossus, still dressed in her school uniform, leaped out, landing on the pavement with one knee and hand on the ground. She swiftly rose to her feet and started running toward the Mystery Shack.

"I have to warn them not to go to the factory!" she exclaimed, propelling her legs forward with determination.

Glancing at her App-Boy, she checked the time displayed on her wrist: 'Time until cease to existence: 3 hours 23 minutes.' Timmy and Tonia were running out of time, and she had to act swiftly.


Mystery Shack

It was a quiet day at the Mystery Shack. Wendy was sitting at the cash register, engrossed in a magazine and casually propping her feet up. Meanwhile, Soos was cheerfully sweeping and whistling along to a tune.

Suddenly, Colossus burst through the front door, causing Wendy and Soos to jump in surprise. "Mabel! Dipper!" she yelled, striding in with the sound of her shoes echoing on the wooden floor.

Wendy squinted her eyes, trying to make sense of the situation. "Colossus, is that you?" she asked, slightly confused.

Colossus approached the register, replying, "Yeah, it's me. Who else?" in a somewhat exasperated tone.

"Sorry, you just looked different in that uniform. You kinda look like a guy," Wendy commented.

Colossus brushed off the remark, urgently asking, "Where are Mabel and Dipper?"

Soos chimed in, "They went to the factory up on the hill!" Colossus's expression turned cold as she turned to Soos.

"What?" she asked sharply.

Soos explained, "Yeah, they said they had to sneak in. And for some reason, they were dressed as delivery workers, calling it a disguise."

"Darn!" Colossus growled in a mix of anger and fear. Glancing at the clock on her App-Boy, she muttered, "Shoot." Realizing the urgency of the situation, she hurried out of the shack, slamming the door behind her, nearly shattering the nearby window in the process.

"Do you think something was bothering her?" Soos asked.

"Na! I'm sure she's alright." Wendy answered going back to her magazine not wanting to work.


Colossus soared through the woods with incredible speed, her wings flapping rapidly like a dragonfly. She maneuvered through the trees with agility, determined to locate the factory.

Finally, she reached a clearing and gazed up at the factory perched on the hill. Shooting up into the sky, she surveyed the scene below. Trucks were entering and exiting the factory, indicating activity within.

With a powerful beat of her wings, Colossus dived toward the factory's windows, crashing through the glass and shattering it in all directions. She landed gracefully on her feet, causing the cement floor to crack beneath her. Broken glass sparkled in the sunlight, scattered across the ground.

To her surprise and frustration, the factory appeared empty. "What?" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the vast space. Anger and worry surged within her as she realized everything around her was nothing but an enormous, vacant room.

"That can't be right," Colossus muttered, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. She felt a sense of failure wash over her. "Mabel, Dipper, where are you?" she whispered, her concern growing with each passing moment.

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