Chapter 4: The declaration

Start from the beginning

"Why all of a sudden, Padre?" Verona asked with a startled face.

Emerald's eyes flashed back at Verona. "An Italian, talk not even less of a Roman Patrician, we honor promises not break them, Lorena. You may thank me later or maybe not,"

"But Padre, Lorena is not in love with the man; she barely knows him. Padre, you are doing the same thing that you deed with me," Verona voiced out on my behalf.

Just like that, I thought he was still mad at me for being the cause of the mayor's son's accident. My father doesn't forgive either does he forget about your sins.

"But father, you're double-crossing your last daughter again. Father, how can I get married to someone I don't know?"

"How dare you, Lorena. Have you forgotten your principles? Where are your manners? Why address me in English? Address me in Italian, Mia Figlia," My father reprimanded me with a slip of the tongue for calling him—father.

I cringed at his harsh chastisement. "I'm sorry, Padre,"

"Do not argue with me now, Lorena. You know the consequences of disobeying me for violating the man that puts food on the table. Don't act like your stubborn sister here; Verona was a pain in society, and I guess you don't want to anger me," His irritation was visible in his wry eyes.

With his word, he murdered Verona, who was sitting beside him —For goodness sake, she's beside you. She looks away, feeling embarrassed and irritated.

"But Padri-" I was cut off.

"A well-educated Roman noble do not question the wrath of her guidance. Now, prepare yourself for his arrival! He will be here by four o'clock tomorrow evening with his father, my perfect friend."

"Yes, Padre!" My voice died down.

"And for your information, I won't tolerate any misbehavior from you like the rubbish that your sister portrayed when she heard about her engagement party with the powerful Stephan Verrotti,"  My father indeed doesn't forgive or forget.

"I won't, Padre!" I bowed.

"And for you, Verona, you need to fly back to your home. I'm done with the reason I sent for you," He looks coldly at Verona, my elder sister.

"Yes, Padre,"  She looks deeply at my already red face.

Just like that, my angry sister and I were dismissed. Just like that, I'm going to get married. And just like that, my single life is coming to an end, turning soon into another loveless marriage.



I looked up from my bed, where I was busy arranging my bed and the whole of my room for the arrival of a total stranger. My heart ached at the sight of my sister, Verona Cicero, who is now known as Verona Verrotti, in my doorway looking super troubled.

"May I have a word with you, Loren?" She gave me a weak smile.

I turn to look at her. "Leave us for a moment, Francesca and Roselina," I told the maids, who were my most prominent companion and partner in crimes.

With their dismissal, Verona walked into my bed-chamber slowly as she closed the door with her beautiful blue gown that swirled between her legs.

"What do you wish to talk to me about, Sorella?" I look down at my bedsheet.

"Sorellina, I'm sorry for not being about to fight for you about fathers terrible decisions. It pains me that mother is no more." she looks sadly at her hand as she slowly sits on the edge of the bed.

Verona is so beautiful. Mere looking at her and watching her speak made me feel so bad for how she was forced into a loveless marriage. She looks so tall, pale skin, slender waist, blue eyes, long brown hair, and overall the finest. Her husband is a renowned CEO of his car company. He's a nice and handsome man —according to how Verona Called him.

"It's okay, Sorella Rona, it ain't your fault. The same thing was done to you, so it's not shocking to me because I was expecting it but didn't know that it would be sooner,"

"Sorellina Loren, You don't know or love that man; how about Ciello?" She asked.

Hearing Marciello's name. I felt my heart melt. Marciello Gavinchy, my childhood crush. He's a plumber, but he's still from a well affluent family. He has been a lovely man but not in the likes of my father.

"I'm entirely in love with Ciello, but the father doesn't know much about my feeling for him," Suddenly, a terrific thought rushed into me. "Should I flee with Ciello, for away from the whole of Italy? Maybe to America? What do you think?" I made a suggestion.

"Are you mad?" Verona cringe. "Don't you know what happened to me when I fled away with Emilio? It was the biggest mistake of my life. I came back home because I found out that Emilio had a wife and two kids. Father was furious, and that led to why he sold me out, and now it's your turn," She stares sadly at me.

I took a deep breath. It was the first time that Verona had shown her weakness to my face. She has been the strongest and most rascal etiquette of beauty, brain, and principles. It felt so good to hear her speak after six months of being away from home since her marriage.

"You cannot do that! You might find yourself on the wrong side of the father. I won't let this happen still; I will talk to him about it and also plead with my husband to help us," She sounds concerned.

"No, you can't talk to Father; everything is settled now. You can not change your father's mind, and you know well than anybody." I feigned a smile. "For all we know, it will anger him more," I smile at her.

"Oh, my Lorena," She muttered with faith in her voice.

"You should go now; your flight has been booked for your comfort. Don't worry about me," I sniffed on my depressed mind. "I don't want our father to shout at you again,"

"It's okay, he won't," She sadly mumbles. "I would like to see this man. Don't you think that I deserve to see him?" She looks unappealing at me.

"Yes, it will be nice if you're here to see him because I will kill somebody's son after the marriage ceremony," I knack on my lower teeth with the upper one.

"Calm down, Loren," She taps my shoulders. "I will surely tell my husband about it. I need to come to see who our father is selling my sister to this time," said the family's decent yet rascal queen.

I smile. "Okay, please be here tomorrow,"

"I will; Milan is not too far from Rome, so I'll see you tomorrow then," She taps on my shoulders with a kiss to my forehead and smiles at me, and waves, reaching the door. "I'm so proud of how hardworking and beautiful strong you've become!"

"Thanks a lot, Sorella Rona," I waved her goodbyes before the room became empty again.

Could you help me? Mother? I'm getting married to a total stranger by the destructive declaration of your so-called husband.

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