Chapter 5 - First

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The carriage stopped and Touya got out. Midoriya picked his bag up and stepped off, seeing the king and his family. Midoriya got worried and bowed.

"No need to bow." A lady said and Midoriya stood up straight. the two females giggled.

"Rei, Get him cleaned and into some new clothes." Enji said. She gave a nod and walked over.

"Welcome to our home. Come. We have a bath ready for you." She said. Midoriya gave a nod but felt a tug on his bag and looked, seeing the other female.

"Let me. I will put it in your room." She said. He let it go and followed the first female.

"My name is Rei. I'm Enjis wife." She said.

"Wait, Your the queen?" He asked. She gave a nod.

"Yes. I'm also the main carer for the blood donors. I make sure they are comfortable. My daughter Fuyami, the one that took your bag, she also helps me." Rei said.

"I will also be watching over you." She said and stopped at a door. She then opened it. Inside was a beautiful indoor hot spring.

"Please. Undress and take your time. You can leave your old clothes here and we will wash them." She said with a smile.

"I will get you some new clothes in the mean time. I'm thinking a green Yukata." She said. Midoriya smiled.

"Thank you. I don't want to be any trouble though." He said.

"No trouble at all." She said and closed the door. Midoriya looked and slowly removed his clothes it was a simple green kimono his mother had given him. He always wore his mothers hand-me-downs. She might be a doctor, but she would always help people, regardless of payment so he choice to wear her old kimonos to save money. He set his clothes down, then cleaned his body and got in, sighing happily.

'They are really nice.' He thinks and looks at the ceiling.

'But I miss Bakugo.' He said and brought his knees up. The door opened suddenly and he looked, seeing Shoto. Shoto looked at him and put something down.

"I hope this is to your liking. I apologize also. One of our donors is having trouble and my mother, along with my sister, had to rush there." He said.

"N-No. I understand." Midoriya said. Shoto nods and turns to leave.

"W-Wait..." He said. Shoto stops and looked at him. Midoriya turned red.

"N-No...Its nothing." Midoriya said. Shoto closed the door and looked at him.

"It's ok. You can speak your mind." Shoto said. Midoriya looked at him.

"W-Well...Ummm. P-Prince Touya said you liked to read." Midoriya said. He wasn't sure if Shoto wanted to speak or not, or if he was even allowed to talk to him.

"That is right." Shoto said and smiled.

"We will have time to talk. Enjoy your bath. I will wait for you outside." He said and left. Midoriya sighed and got out. He didn't want to keep the future king waiting. He dried his body and got dressed but couldn't help but feel the material and how soft and elegant it was. He smiled and opened the door. Shoto was waiting and looked.

"You could have taken longer." Shoto said. Midoriya shook his head.

"It's ok." Midoriya said. Shoto gave a nod and walked. Midoriya followed.

"My family will watch my first feeding of you. They have already feasted so it will just be me. After, you will rest for the day and tomorrow, we can talk." Shoto said. Midoriya gave a nod.

"Y-Yes your highness." He said. Shoto chuckled.

"Please, Just Shoto." He said. Midoriya smiled.

"Yes Shoto." He said. Shoto smiled and opened some doors. Midoriya saw Enji, Touya, and another royal.

"Where is mother and Fuyami? I was sure they would be back by now."  Shoto asked.

"Another donor is sick and needs them. Seems they will be going home early." Enji answered.

"Yeah. So its just us. I'm Natsuo." Natsuo said. Midoriya bowed.

"Please, No bowing. You are special to us." Enji said. Midoriya stood and was silent. Shoto looked at him and held his hand out.

"Come Midoriya. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt." Shoto said. Midoriya took his hand and Shoto gently pulled him in, holding him gently, making Midoriya blush. He then moves his Yukata down a bit, exposing his neck.

"Take in a deep breath and let it out." Shoto whispered. Midoriya did just that and felt teeth enter his neck. Midoriya let out a small moan. This was different then when Bakugo bit him. When Bakugo bit him, he felt pleasure and the need for intimacy, but when Shoto Bit him he felt like he was flying. He felt a bit weak when Shoto pulled back, now holding onto Midoriya tighter so the boy wouldn't fall.

"Congratulations Midoriya. you are now officially my blood donor." Shoto said and licked his lips before he licked Midoriya's neck to clean it. Midoriya blushed and closed his eyes before he got worried. 

'I-I forgot i was meant to ask him to pick a new donor.' Midoriya thought before he fell asleep.

Peace between clans (Todoroki x Midoriya x Bakugo)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat