Chapter 16 - Change

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Touya ran to Shoto's room, then Midoriya and Bakugo's and the Lidary but he couldn't find them. He couldn't risk yelling there names and having his father hear.

"Because we need them." Shoto said. Touya stopped.

"But that many!" Bakugo yelled.

"Yes, We make sure they are well off also." Shoto said and Touya finally saw them, walking to Midoriyas room. Touya ran to them.

"Shoto! Bakugo!" He yells and grabs each one on their shoulders.

"Fathers going to kill Midoriya!" He yelled. They looked shocked.

"What! Why!" Shoto yelled.

"Father said he made a deal with him." Touya said. Bakugo grabbed his shirt.

"You bastard! Where is he!" Bakugo yelled. Touya looked at him.

"Follow me and i will show you." He said. Bakugo let him go and both him and shoto followed Touya, running fast.

~With Enji~

Enji gently put down Midoriya on a bed, the moon light hitting his face. The room they were in was an execution cell for vampires. It had open windows, with bars on them, to let in sunlight, and kill any vampire that was sin the room. They hadn't had to use it in centuries, the last  time was when a mortal was turned and slaughtered an entire town.

"I'm sorry Midoriya." Enji said, gently lifting his wrist and bit it. Midoriya groaned and Enji licked the wound closed, swallowing his blood. He then moved, biting his thumb and brought it to Midoriya mouth, gently opening it so the boy would get him blood. Midoriya swallowed it. He then licked his wound and walked out, closing the cell.

Midoioya's eyes shot open and he screamed in pain. Enji watched as Midoriya screamed, arching his back in pain. Right now, Midoriya's blood was regenerating at an alarmingly fast rate, causing the boy to feel like his insides were on fire. Normally, a transformation was easy, but if the human was injured or bleeding to death, they would feel the injury healing and it caused them to feel that fire. But, it only lasted a few minutes.

Midoriya's screams slowly died and he was breathing hard. He sat up and looked around, before he saw Enji.

"M-My..." He starts but grabs his throat.

"Don't speak. Your throat will feel like that till you have your first feeding." Enji said and walked off.

"W-What?" Midoriya asked but felt like his throat was on fire. He slowly and stood, walking to the bars and tried to see him, but he was gone. Midoriya was scared and pulled at the bars.

"It won't work." Enji said as he walked backed with a glass.

"Drink." Enji said. Midoriya took it and drank it. It tasted good. He couldn't describe it, but it was some of the best liquid he ever tasted. Enji watched him and sat on a chair.

"I know I shouldn't have wasted a cup on you, but you have been kind to my son, so I thought it was the least i could do." Enji said.

"W-Waste?" Midoriya asked and looked at the cup. That's when he saw the redness. He dropped the cup and backed up, feeling his teeth and felt fangs. He looked mortified and looked at Enji.

"Yes. I turned you, but you will not live to see the rising moon tomorrow. Look at the room you are in." Enji said. Midoriya did, seeing the windows with bars and the moon.

"Once he sun rises, you will be burnt and killed." Enji said. Midoriya looked and ran to the bars, pulling at them.

"You can't do this! Shoto! Bakugo!" Midoriya yelled. Enji let him, knowing he can't escape. Midoriya fell to his knees crying. 

"I will have one of the mortals take Bakugo away from here and ask him not to return. We will be set free, as the terms of our deal stated." Enji said. Midoriya looked at him, tears steaming down his face.

"H-How could you? How could you not see how hes different! How he and Shoto are friends!" Midoriya yelled. Enji stood and walked over. He reached in and put his hand on his head.

"I wanted to believe you. I hoped you were right. Shoto had been happy with you but please, understand. The werewolf has caused fear in my halls. That's how I know we will always be at war, but I will keep my deal. He will live. you will die." Enji said. Midoriya's arm fell to the ground as he looked at him with tears. Enji also looked sad, having tears in his eyes before he removed his hand.

Thats when the door was broken down.

Peace between clans (Todoroki x Midoriya x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now