Chapter 9 - Murder part two

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A few moved to look and see whats going on, but backed up, fear in their eyes.

"A-A bloodsucker. Its Touya." One said. Bakugo was grabbed by his mother and she ran. Bakugo watched as a vampire ran in, just seconds after and killed a few members of his clan. He was scared and shaking. She ran into the woods.

"M-Mama...what a-about papa?" Bakugo asked. She held him tighter. She knew this night would come. A night they would attack and kill them but...

'But why tonight?' She thought and stopped at a small cliff, a roaring river below from the recent rains. She put him down.

"Bakugo, listen to me. You have to hide. I will go back and get papa and others." She said and stood, only to freeze. Bakugo looked, seeing the vampire. He was covered in blood, as was his sword.

"Please....We were going to leave." She said. He took a step forward.

"Why don't I believe you?" He asked. She had tears.

"You two are the last. I killed the others." He said. Bakugo growled and he looked at him.

"Damn it." He said and looked upset.

"Let us go. We won't...We won't attack anymore." She begged. He looked at her.

"I'm sorry. I can't chance that." He said and ran at her. She took a step back, only for the sword to swing and cut her. Bakugo watched as her head fell to the ground, then her body. Bakugo was shaking.

"M-Mama?" He asked and the sword then touched his nose. It was warm from the blood.

"Don't move. You will be joining her." Touya said and moved the sword to swing it. Bakugo backed up, losing his footing and fell with a scream into the river.

Touya moved and watched, not seeing the boy. He then turned.

"He will drown." Touya said and walked back to the werewolf village. He saw a man, slowly crawling to the head of a boy with red hair.

"K-Kirish...." He started by Touya moved and cut his head off. Touya looked around again, before tears came to his eyes. he moved his hand to wipe them, but saw blood. He looked around, only seeing blood. He started to breath hard and grabbed his chest.

'C-Can't...' He thought before he fell to his knees and throw up, tears falling.

He had seen death in battle, but to kill this many, with no reason other to end a war, felt wrong. Touya stood up and screamed to the heavens, tears falling.

He had ended the war, but at what cost?

~The next day.~

Bakugo coughed as he crawled out of the river. He had floated down it since he fell down. He stood, walking. The sun on his head, but he was so cold. He was shivering and crying as he walked. He didn't feel the rocks cutting his bare feet, of the branches cutting his arms. He couldn't really feel anything but sadness right now. He then saw a path, walking on it before he fell on it.

'M-Mama...P-papa.' He thought before he passed out, still shivering.

Midoriya was skipping, basket in hand. He had gotten his mother some new herds to stop bleeding when he stopped, seeing a boy in the middle of the path. He ran over to him.

"Hey, you OK?" He asked and shook him. The boy was freezing and bleeding, but when Midoriya shook him, he groaned. Midoriya panicked.

"Fire! We need warmth!" He yelled and moved the boy off the path. His mother had shown him how to start a fire so he did, setting the boy close, but not to close. He then started to make a paste with the herds and applied it to his wounds.

Bakugo woke a few hours later. Midoriya smiled.

"Your up!" He said and moved closer. Bakugo looked at him, tears in his eyes and grabbed the boy, pulling him close and bit his neck. The boy screamed and tried to push him away. Bakugo then let him go and the boy was crying as he head his neck. 

"N-Now You can't leave me also." Bakugo said. Midoriya looked at him, seeing tears in the boys eyes.

"B-because we are mates. M-Mama said to bite someone you want to be mates with." He said and cried.

"Don't leave me!" He yelled. Midoriya, still feeling pain moved to him.

"I'm not going to leave you." he said. Bakugo looked at him as he cried, but the boy smiled.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya." He said. Bakugo wiped his eyes.

"I-I'm Bakugo." He said and moved to him, hugging him.

"Mine." He said. 

Peace between clans (Todoroki x Midoriya x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now