Chapter 8 - Murder part one

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Bakugo got on all fours, his tail wagging as he saw a butterfly land. He smirked, jumping at it but it flew away. He had just turned seven and he loved to chase the evening butterflys.

"Bakugo!" His mother called. He smiled and ran to her.

"Mama!" He yelled and jumped into her arms. She laughed, holding him tight. She and the other adults would normally sleep all day because of the war.

"My, your getting so big." She said and put him down. Bakugo's tail wagged.

"Once day! I will be as big as you and help fight!" Bakugo said. She smiled.

"I know you will." She said and walked to the kitchen. His father came out and sat.

"Papa, Did you get any?" Bakugo asked and sat on his lap. He smiled.

"We killed a few, but we also lost some of our own." He said. Bakugo gave a frown and looked down.

"I want to help." Bakugo said. His mother came back with some meat and sat.

"You will. One day." His father said. Bakugo looked at him.

"Dear, Why not have him come to the meeting today?" He asked. Bakugo looked at his mother. She was thinking.

"Well, It wouldn't hurt." She said. Bakugo smiled and stood.

"I'm going to go get dressed!" He yelled and ran. They laughed, but then frowned.

"Kirishima lost his mother in battle." She said. He sighed and moved, hugging her.

"He's alone now. Maybe we should take him in." He said. She gave a nod.

"I will ask about it." She said before Bakugo ran in.

"I'm ready!" He yelled. She smiled.

"Good, but first, we eat." She said and together, they ate. After, they walked to a small tent, where they would hold their meetings.

The clan was small at the moment, only about sixty or so werewolfs were in it, but they were once a huge clan, with over seven hundred of them, but that was before the war.

"We need to address the big picture." One elder said. Bakugo was on his mothers lap, listening.

"We need to gain more worriers." The elder said. Bakugos mother shook her head.

"No. We will not attack and change the mortals. We are past that." She yelled. They were silent. Bakugo knew they would listen to her.

She was their leader after all.

"We stopped turning mortals because of what it did. Us doing that started the war. We even stopped transforming during the full moon. I will not start that again and bring the war to the humans lands." She said. A male slammed his hand on the table.

"They have already brought it to the human lands! The humans will soon see it! They already follow under them. What's to say they don't send them to us!" He yelled. She growled and he backed up.

"They will not harm their food!" She yelled. They were silent and he sat. She looked around the table.

"I have seen what this war has done. The lives that were lost." She said and moved Bakugo to a seat and stood. Bakugo listened and she walked around the table.

"I say this, here and now, we leave. We run away." She says. Bakugo had to cover his ears from them shouting.

"You mean give up! How could you suggest that!" Main yelled. She slammed her hands to the table, silencing them.

"If we continue, the werewolfs will be killed off. We can never win. I say we leave. Find a new land and live." She says. They were silent. She stood.

"Today, Kirishima was told that his mother was killed in battle. His father, killed a year ago." She said. Bakugos ears go flat. Kirishima was his best friend.

"I will take him in, raise him but how many more children will get the news that their loved ones were killed? How many more children will never see their mothers, fathers, older brothers or even older sisters again?" She asked and waited. One stood.

"Ok. We run. We rest for the night then we leave with only the clothes on our backs." He said. She smiled.

"Thank you." She said but suddenly, screams were heard.

Peace between clans (Todoroki x Midoriya x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now