Chapter 17 - Forgiving

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Enji looked, seeing Bakugo was on all fours, growling as he broke the door down. Shoto and Touya running in after.

"Father!" Shoto and Touya yelled and Bakugo ran at him. He backed up just as Bakugo swipped a claw at him.

"Let him go!" Bakugo yelled. Enji was silent.

"Father! You can not kill Midoriya!" Touya yelled and walked over to him, putting a hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

"If you do, the werewolf will kill you and I wont stop him." Touya said Enji glared.

"you will let him kill me?" Enji asked.

"Yes father." Shoto said and walked over.

"I would allow it also. You are going to put a mortal to death for no reason." Shoto said.

"Not for no reason. He and I made a deal that is the werewolf..." He started but Bakugo ran and sliced his arm with his claws. Enji gasped and backed up, grabbed his arm.

"If this has anything to do with me then you leave him out of it!" Bakugo yelled. He then felt a hand on his pants and looked, seeing Midoriya crying.

"B-Bakugo." Midoriya said and looked at him. Bakugo's arms fell and he dropped to his knees, grabbing his face and opened his mouth. Touya and Shoto looked. touya glared and faced Enji.

"You turned him!" Touya yelled. Enji gave a nod.

"He will die by sunlight." Enji said. Shoto slowly walked over, bending down. Bakugo as crying as he looked at Midoriya's fangs. Midoriya was leaning on his hands, holding them with his. Shoto stood and walked to his father.

"Shoto. I did this because..." Enji said but Shoto only grabbed the keys for the cell. He walked over.

"Bakugo, watch out." Shoto said. Enji moved but Touya blocked his path.

"You can't let him go." Enji ordered. Shoto looked at him.

"I believe you have the wrong Idea father." Shoto said and opened the cell. Bakugo ran in and hugged Midoriya, who hugged back. Shoto then walked in and Enji's eyes widened as Shoto closed and locked the three of them in.

"Since you will wrongfully kill Midoriya then you will also wrongfully kill me." Shoto said and threw the keys away from the ground. They landed with a clink.

"Shoto!" Enji yelled and grabbed the keys but when he turned, Touya had his sword drawn, pointing at him.

"Lets get on the bed." Shoto said. Bakugo gave a nod and picked midoriya up and walked over, sitting. Shoto sat also and gently rubbed Midoriya's back as he clung to Bakugo.

"He turned him...He turned him into a damn bloodsucker." Bakugo growled. Shoto was sad.

"I'm sorry. If I had known. I would have talked to him and asked him to end the deal." Shoto said. Bakugo looked at him.

"I know you would have." Bakugo said. That shocked Enji. Bakugo looked back at Midoriya.

"Hey, murderer." Bakugo said. Touya hummed in response.

"When the sun comes out, and they die, can you used that blade of yours and end me?" He asked. Touya looked sad.

"Y-Yes." He said sadly. Enji was silent. He then held the keys out.

"I was wrong." Enji said. Touya looked at the keys, then at Enji.

"Midoriya was right, but I was too blind to see it. The werewolf is different." Enji said. Touya grabbed the keys and walked over, unlocking the cell. They walked out.

"I wish to speak to you all after your ready." Enji said as they passed by. No one said anything and after they left, Touya put his sword away. 

"Lets get him back to his room." Touya said. They gave a nod and walked. Once in, Shoto and Bakugo checked Midoriya for any injuries. Bakugo looked at Touya, we was standing by the door. He walked over to him. Touya looked at him but Bakugo held his hand out. Touya didnt say anything.

"I forgive you." Bakugo said. Midoriya and Shoto looked at him. Touya looked at his hand, before looking away.

"Don't. I haven't forgiven myself." Touya said. Bakugo dropped his hand.

"But i forgive you. For helping us find my mate." Bakugo said. Touya pissed.

"Yeah. but now he is one of us." Touya said. Bakugo looked down.

"I-I know." He says. Midoriya looked at Bakugo.

"D-Don't leave me." He said. Bkugo smiled and turned, walking to him and pulled him into his lap.

"Never." He said. Midoriya held him tight. Shoto looked at them.

"Can a werewolf be turned into a vampire?" Shoto asked. They looked at him.

"We know Werewolfs aren't immortal and you won't live as long as Midoriya, so why not try turning you." Shoto said. Touya waked over.

"It's never been done before or even tried." Touya said. Bakugo held Midoriya tighter.

"T-Tomorrow. We go back to the cell and lock me in. We then try. If i go mad...leave me to die." Bakugo said. Midoriya shok his head.

"No! I won't let you die!" He yelled with tears. Bakugo leaned down and kissed him.

"And i dont want to leave you." He said. Shoto put a hand on Midoriyas shoulder.

"We can only try." Shoto said. Midoriya gave a nod, still holding onnto Bakugo, but reached and took Shoto's hand. Shoto smiled and leaned in, leaning on them. Bakugo's tail moved and landed on Shoto's hand. Touya smiled at them. 

Peace between clans (Todoroki x Midoriya x Bakugo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum