Jeongin screams again and Seungmin almost drops him onto the floor.

The closet was a bit cleaner than I thought it would be. The last time I saw it, there was a mountain of stuff almost blocking the door.

Chan walks inside and pushes some things out of the way with his feet. The walls were covered with old papers and bookshelves. The floor was dusty, as Chan walks around, you can see his foot prints behind him.

As he walks further inside, Jeongin slowly lets go of Seungmin more and more. I also come out from behind him more.

"Look, there's nothing to be scared of in here. It's just a bunch of old stuff we haven't used in a while." Chan says.

We get off of Seungmin and peek more into the room. I guess Chan is right, but just because nothing scary is in here doesn't mean I want to go in there. Jeongin steps onto the floor and walks into the room carefully.

After him, Seungmin follows, then me.

Chan took the broom and started sweeping the dust up from the floor.

"So, I want to make this room more sorted and organized. I think I know what we can do with it, but we have to get it nice and cleaned up first."

Seungmin nods and steps over Jeongin to start cleaning. Me and Jeongin do the same, but still our guards up in case a rat or something comes out.


About an hour into his mission, we started finding things that we had forgotten about. Chan found an old guitar he used to play before he found me. I found a box with clothes, including the t-shirt I was wearing when I ran into the allies.

Soon, Seungmin sat up and gasped loudly.

"What is it?" Chan asked, worried.

Seungmin held up a little blanket with tiny foxes printed on the trim.

I widened my eyes a bit and Chan gasped when he saw it.

As we all were looking surprised at an old blanket, Jeongin was looking around confused.

"What is it? It's just a blanket." He says while reaching towards the fabric.

Seungmin looks to Jeongin as he inspects the blanket more.

"Jeongin, that's the blanket I found you in."

Jeongin widened his eyes and stared at the blanket like we were.

Jeongin knows the story already, he deserves to know.

When he was a baby, Seungmin and Chan went out to the alley ways to look for a flag or something they missed. When they split up, Seungmin was walking around and found a baby wrapped in a blanket with foxes on the trim. No one was around, no one was even on the side walk that could have been his parent.

After they found him, Seungmin took him home immediately because it was still kind of cold out for a baby. The days after they found him, Chan made sure to hang around the area to see if someone would come looking for their baby. No one did.

Since no one was looking for him, Seungmin made it his job to take care of Jeongin. He treated (and still treats him) as if he was his own son or brother, he even named him since no one else did.

Jeongin sat on the floor next to Seungmin with the blanket on his lap. They had talked about Jeongin's story before, but Chan thought the blanket was long gone because they never found it.

Seungmin went from touching the fabric to engulfing Jeongin in a hug.

I hear small sniffs coming from them and Chan springs into action.

"Ok, I think that's enough cleaning for today. Seungmin, do you want to take Jeongin to your room? Take as much time as you guys need, we don't have anything else to do today." He says.

Seungmin nods and ushers Jeongin upstairs with the blanket in hand.

While they leave, me and Chan straighten out the final loose ends we can before leaving the room too.

Now the next thing for me to do is to decide if I want to go see that Lee Know guy tonight.

The second half of this one doesn't really add anything to the story, just some background on Seungmin and Jeongin's relationship. (Because even though I've said it before, I'm worried people will think they're together, they're not)

I'm gonna post another chapter later on today, so expect that in a few hours.

Here's your (first) meme of the day:

Love you guys! 🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

All In ~Minsung FF~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora