Chapter 5 - Food War!

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Hey everyone, I have a little announcement about my updating schedule on this book after this chapter, but before that enjoy chapter 5 :D

Ruby POV:

"Alright then! You guys all heard Ozpin, it's now our responsibility to take care of (Y/n)! First off, who's she going to stay with?" I cheerfully say as we walk together to our dorms.

"Shouldn't she be staying with someone she's more comfortable to be around with?" Blake suggests.

"Ok then, who does she like most?" I ask as everyone stops walking. A few seconds pass before everyone in the group looks at (Y/n) clinging on to Pyrrha's arm as the red-haired spartan quickly looks away blushing.

"Alright then, it's decided! (Y/n) here will be staying with Team JNPR until further notice!" I say as I point towards team JNPR.

Smol time skip~ Third person POV:

As the 2 groups arrive at their dorm entrances they all bid their farewell to each other as the two groups enter their dorms.

"Ok, first off, she needs food, she hasn't exactly had anything 'good' to eat for the last few days..." Pyrrha says to the group.

"OoOooOo~ I AND REN CAN MAKE HER PANCAKES!!!" Nora shouts excitedly as Ren sighs.

"Alright, I'll get started..." Ren says as he walks towards the kitchen while putting his apron on.

"Hmm... What else do we need...?" I murmur to myself as I think of what else (Y/n) needs.

Pyrrha then looks to her side to see Jaune sniffing the air before quickly looking at (Y/n) while covering his nose.

"Err... How about a bath?" The blonde boy suggests.

Pyrrha then begins to also sniff the air around (Y/n) before quickly backing away while covering her nose, all the while (Y/n) tilts her head not sure what's happening.

"Y-yeah, I think a bath is in order." Pyrrha says to Jaune.

"Alright, I'll get the bath ready." Jaune says as he walks towards the bathroom.

10 Minutes later~

"Alrighty, the water is ready. Here's the towel, soap, and lastly shampoo, and with that, good luck!" Jaune says as he hands all of them to Pyrrha before pushing her and (Y/n) into the bathroom.

"W-wait, aren't you guys gonna help me?" Pyrrha frantically asks as she turns around and looks back at her team with a nervous look.

"I need to finish cooking..." Ren says before walking off as Pyrrha turns to Nora.

"I-I need to help Ren!" Nora quickly says before following Ren, and as the two leave Pyrrha looks at Jaune.

"Err... I think I have detention with Ms.Goodwitch today..." Jaune says as he quickly tries to leave.

"W-wait-!" Pyrrha tries to say but Jaune quickly shuts the door leaving the two alone.

And as the door shuts, Pyrrha slowly turns to see (Y/n) poking the water in the tub.

Silence filled the room as Pyrrha nervously chuckles...

Time skip next day~ hehe no Pyrrha struggling to wash (Y/n) today for u- for now... (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In the cafeteria, Team RWBY are sitting together with Team JNPR and (Y/n) as Pyrrha tries her best not to fall asleep.

"Wait (Y/n)! not the soap!" Pyrrha shouts as she quickly stands up snapping out of her sleepy state. She then quickly snaps back into reality and looks around the table to see Team RWBY and JNR looking at her with a concerned look.

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