Chapter 2 - Team who?

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It's been 8 days since I escaped the lab, every single part of my body hurts. My legs, my back, and the headaches are getting worse as the days pass by. I manage to patch up my gunshot wound using pieces of my clothes but it didn't stop the hunger that came from my stomach.

After a few minutes, I collapse to the ground as I feel my stomach growling again. I then stop to sniff the air, I take a deep breath as I smell something... familiar.

'That smell... It... It's... Blood...' I slowly stand up and walk towards the origin of the smell as I continue to sniff the air, I then start to drool as the smell becomes stronger.

As I continue to follow the smell I am greeted with the sight of a Grimm devouring what looks to be human remains. As I walk closer, the Grimm looks at me and growls before quickly leaving and vanishing into the dense forest.

As I look at the remains my stomach grumbles even more, I kneel and take a big bite out of what used to be an arm. After a few minutes, I drop the arm as my head begins to hurt again.

Flashback, again! Yay!

"You're late." A woman with long black hair and crimson-red eyes said as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry, someone just HAD to eat a few free samples along the way." The purple-haired girl with glasses says as she glares at me. (Again for those who don't remember this is my OC... Btw...)

"Hehe..." I nervously laugh as I scratch the back of my neck.

"Ah, you're here! C'mon, Q̸̪̬͗͑r̸̡͆͐̎ơ̸͉̹̆w̶̨̞̮̍̍̄ ̸̠̓̀and S̵̟͂̇̕ṻ̴̝́̓m̷͝͝m̸̳̋͜ë̴̘̙́r̶̼͓̳͗ are already inside!" A blond man says as he exits the restaurant in front of us.

"Yeah! Let's go...."

End of flashback

I snap back to reality with cold sweat dripping down my face as I try to compose myself.
I then quickly wipe the blood off my mouth as I stand up from the dead body and continue on my way.

After hours and hours of endless walking, I finally exit the woods and am greeted with a sight of what looks to be a city.

(Idk if this is Vail or not, I search for half an hour on the internet and this is the only thing I found of Vail that isn't a map of remnant

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(Idk if this is Vail or not, I search for half an hour on the internet and this is the only thing I found of Vail that isn't a map of remnant...)

As I walk closer to the gates of the city I am greeted with a sign saying. 'Welcome to Vale!'

'Vale...' I think to myself as I enter the city.

I walk the streets of Vale and notice that there are a lot of people here. I put on my hood and try to not get people's attention.

Third-person POV:

As you continue to walk through the streets of Vail you accidentally bump into a red hooded girl accompanied by a white-haired girl similar to the woman you saw in the lab, a busty blond girl with purple eyes, and lastly, a jet-black haired girl with a twitching... Bow?

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