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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark POV:
I ran down the corridor. Not taking one moment to take a breath. I don't look back, fully focused on running far away.

Then suddenly, I hear a familiar scream...


I turn around and run back. I knew I shouldn't have left him.

I reach the door at the end of the corridor. It's closed. I run into it attempting to open it. It doesn't budge.


I get no response.

I knew it. I knew something bad would happen. This is all my fault. Now Eduardo has probably been taken by Tord again. And I'm left here alone. I can't fend for myself, I'm thin and weak. Eduardo was the big strong one. I should have stayed... now what am I going to do..?

Eduardo POV:
I punch and struggle as I try to escape from Tords grasp. He simply continues walking.

We enter a room and Tord throws me into a different, more protected, containment chamber. I groan slightly as I get up and look at him.

"What's with the glum face?"

"What's up? What's up!? You just freaking captured me that's what's up!"

Tord just looks at me, before finally answering me.

"You really think I would let you get away that easily? hah! Pathetic!"

I stare back at him.

"Eduardo look, I'm a lot stronger than I look. And you better believe I wouldn't let you get away like that. I came prepared. I was ready for this to happen, and when it did, I got you right back again..."

"But what do you even want me for! What's worth do I have to you! Why are you doing all this just for me!?"

"Well you see Eduardo... you have powers like no other. Special abilities. Special abilities no other person has. I want to use those abilities to my advantage... to take over the world. The first time it failed, but this time I will succeed. With all the tests and experiments I have been doing on you, you are basically unstoppable. Much more durable then my giant robot. That's what I want you for..."

So he really does want me to take over the world for him...

"Now! There is just one more test I think is necessary... a blood sample!"

A blood sample? That doesn't seem that bad..?

"But there is one problem... remember that injection I gave you that stops you from bleeding when your cut. Well... that's stopping me from getting the sample!"

I see Tord pull something out from under the table.

"Luckily, I have found a solution!"

"I- is t- that an a- axe..?"

"Yes. It is."

"Your insane! You can't just chop one of my limbs of! You psycho!"

"Oh but I can! And I am! Now come on!"

Tord opens the door to my containment chamber and pulls me out. He then proceeds to sit me down and chain me to the table with handcuffs. I try to struggle out, but it doesn't work.

"Now hold still..."

Tord lifts up the axe over my hand. I close my eyes, waiting for the pain.

Then suddenly, Tord lowers his arm...

I scream out in agonising pain as tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I shake and look down at my arm. It was bleeding, I could see the bone. I got sudden flashbacks to when Jon was dead, me holding him, blood dripping down his shirt.

I shake the thought out of my mind as more rapid tears roll down my face. Tord just looks at me, emotionless, as he gets a blood sample.

"Ok then. Back into your containment chamber."

I try to get up. But I'm so wobbly from pain and shock that Tord has to grab me and throw me into my containment chamber.

I stumble onto the floor and crawl up into a ball. Crying from the pain.

" I'll have a look at getting you a replacement hand later."

I hear Tord mumble. I just ignore him as I begin to rock back and forth on the floor, crying...

Time skip

Mark POV:
I walk around Tords 'base' trying to find where he took Eduardo. I'm determined to find him, I did it once I can do it again.

Luckily I don't pump into Paul or patryk on my way, as I twist and turn around corridors.

I stop as I see someone at the end of one of the halls, standing next to a metal door.

Are they... flying..? They also appear to be translucent. I try to walk away, but they notice me and turn around.

We keep eye contact for a second I look at him... I feel as if I have seen him before...

W- wait...

"J- Jon!?"

796 words
Started: 7 November
Ended: 8 November

Aaaaa sorry this is short and that it took longer to come out. I'm having really bad writers block but I'm determined to not give up on this story like others in the past!

Thanks for reading!!

It's ok (Eduardo x mark) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat