"M- mark..?"

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(Again with the crap chapter names ;-;)
Eduardo POV:
I can hear some noises from the room next door. Like machines and people working. I can hear muffled voices.

Now knowing what this machine thing can do, I know I have to get out of here. That may not even be it at it's full potential...

I know there is no use in trying to escape now. By the sounds of it, Tord or one of his 'teammates' are in the next room. If they heard me trying to escape, I couldn't think of what they would do.

Plus, Tord is smart. He created this machine, and probably many more. He could kill me in an instant. I just need to play along until nobody is looking...

Tord POV:
I speed walk around my lab. Grabbing things from shelves.

I get things ready for Eduardo's next test. Not much is needed, as most of it was in the room already.

I know very well he will try and refuse, especially now he knows what that machine can do. So I need to get some sort of distraction. Lucky for me I know the perfect thing...

Mark POV:
I'm sitting in the corner of my cell. There is nothing to do. I'm still pretty scared, but also tired.

I hear a door open, I see someone walk in.

"Hey. Your moving cells. My names Patryck by the way."

Patryck huh? Must have been the other guy from the truck.

"Why am I moving..?"

"You'll find out."

Patryck unlocks the door of the cell. He walks over to me and harshly grabs me by the arm and tugs my up on my feet.

He drags me through corridors and inside rooms and elevators. There are so many floors. I'm starting to get curious about what this place actually is. Not like I wasn't from the start.

He stops outside a room and pulls out a walkie-talkie of sorts.

"Alright. He's here."

I can hear the other line. It's Tord.

"Stay there for a second. I'm nearly done I'll tell you when."


Patryck puts away the walkie-talkie. He keeps a tight grip on me as he hums to himself, looking bored.

Tord POV:
I walk into Eduardo -or should I say 003's- containment room.

"Hello 003. How you holding up buddy?"

"Why would you care. Your probably going to do another test on me now..."

"You would be absolutely correct!"

I open the door to his 'cell' with some thick metal wrist bands. I kneel down and put them on both of Eduardo's wrists.

"What are these?"

"They are just some nuclear power boosters. They will boost the affect of the electric shock. Of corse it may also boost the pain but... you win some you lose some."

"Your going to kill me!"

"I'm not actually. I want you alive. Sure you may want death more than these tests. Or want to run away because of them. But you can't do that..."

"How do you know what I'm capable of!?"

"Oh I don't. That's what these tests are for... I just have something that might... persuade you... to not refuse the test. Or have another one of your outbreaks..."

It's ok (Eduardo x mark) Where stories live. Discover now