An old friend..?

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Eduardo POV:
I open my eyes. I'm not in my room anymore. I have to be dreaming. I look around but I see nothing but darkness. Where am I..?

"Oh! Your awake!"

That voice... I recognized it...

"J- Jon..?"

Mark POV:
I hear a loud bang from me and Eduardo's room.

"Ed- everything ok?"

I get no response.

"E- Ed..."

I slowly walk over too the room and open the door...

Nobody is in there..?

I rush over to the window but it locked. I look I'm the closet, behind the draws. But Eduardo isn't there.

I walk into the bathroom. But he isn't in there either. Then I check the kitchen, then the hall. He's nowhere.

I get out my phone and message him.

'Hey Eddie? You ok? Where are you?'

The message doesn't send.

"Damn it! The wifi is fine what the heck is going on. It has to be on his side..."

I try to message him again but it doesn't send. Then I call him. But the call is declined.

"Is he ignoring me... no. The messages would have sent if he was. The wifi where is he is, wherever he is... must be bad."

I try not to freak out but I soon go into full blown panic mode. I have no idea where he could be. The keys are still by the door so he couldn't have left the apartment. But he isn't in here either.

All the windows are locked so it's not like he could have left through there. And it's not like he can just teleport.

I decide I sit down and wait for half an hour. If he isn't back by then. I will go looking for him.

That's the plan...

Eduardo POV:
It can't be Jon. He's dead.

"Answer me! Who are you!"

"I don't know... who do you think... Eduardo..."

A ghost like figure emerges from the darkness...

"But how... I saw you die!"

"I know you did. And you are right I did die."

"Then- how are you..?"

"Ever heard of a ghost. 'Low life piece of garbage'"

I remember calling him that when he was being stupid.

"Look... I'm sorry... I-"

"'Sorry' is not gonna cut it. You have no idea what you put me through. I may have acted ok but it doesn't mean I was ok"

"I- I know what it feels like. I'm sorry..-"

"You know what it feels like!? So you have been treated like a peace of garbage by someone you were nice too. Someone who you trusted. Someone who you thought was your friend. Someone who you would risk your life for because you cared, but they didn't!"

"Well... no-"

"Exactly. You have no idea what I went through..."

"But... I know what it feels like to be... sad all the time. I shouldn't have treated you like that..."

"Just realizing that now Eduardo. Well it's a bit too late for that now! Because I'm dead now! You made my life a living hell... hey. You were so trashy to me death didn't even seem that bad anymore. Frankly I was quite lucky to now have to deal with your crap anymore..."

"I... I really made you feel like that..?"

"Yes. You did. But you were to heartless and caught up with yourself that you didn't even take a second to think about me. Or anyone else you were rude too!"

"I know and... I've learned my lesson. I shouldn't have been mean to you... or Edd or anyone else"

"Quite frankly the reason you were mad at Edd was pathetic... you were only mad because of your image. The way other people see you. But no matter what you did to come in first. That would never change the fact that nobody likes you..."

"Nobody... no! People do like me! Mark is my friend and and... I'm not mad at Edd anymore!"

"Oh yes mark. I remember him..."

"Yes. And he's helped me become a better person! He's an amazing person!"

"He... he really isn't. You know. He just stood there and watched you push me around. He was just as bad as you..."

"You take that back! Mark is the most amazing, beautiful person I have ever met!"

"Beautiful..? Awe that's adorable... little Eduardo has feelings for mark... little Eduardo is actually feeling something towards someone that isn't hatred..."

"Hatred isn't the only thing I can feel!"

"It sure comes off that way. You know. Everyone I have ever talked to who has met you has said how much of a big jerk you are and that they hate you so much..."


"Yes Eduardo. Everyone. Even your precious mark..."

"No he wouldn't say something like that about me!"

"You may not think that... because he may act like he cares but he doesn't. I mean who would care about you..."

I look up at Jon. Tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Aweeee gonna cry... I'm sowwy did I hurt your fewings"


"How about no... I'm done with you bossing me around. I'm my own person now. I'm a ghost. I'm more strong than you could ever be. Finally... after all those painful years I can tower above you..."

The tears start to roll down my face.

"And show you who is in control..."

891 words
Started: 2 September
Ended: 2 September

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