I don't hate you

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Mark POV:
I can hear Eduardo crying in our room.

He has never been this bad before...

I'm so worried about him. He just keeps getting worse and worse. I thought as time went on, he would get better. But he keeps getting worse and worse...

"Eddie... please open the door..."

I get no answer... just more crying.

That's what I remember: this was the cheapest apartment we could find in the area. And there are lots of apartments around here...

I tug on the door and the lock breaks.

One of the few time this dump is useful. I laugh at my joke. But I instantly stop when...

I look down at Eduardo. He's lying on the floor. Curled up in a little ball, rocking back and forth. Crying his eyes out. He looked hurt as well. No... no... he didn't hurt himself... did he..?

I kneel down and gently shake Eduardo's shoulder.

"Hey Ed... you ok..?"

"Mark!? I-"

Eduardo just continues to cry and cry. I lie down next to Eduardo and hug him. Facing his face.

I cup his cheeks with my hands.

"Hey hey... calm down... ok... it's ok... your going to be ok..."

"BUT- everyone hates me-!"

"Hey hey... I don't hate you... ok... it's fine... shhhhhh"

I try to talk as calm as possible I hug onto him more.

"I don't hate you... shhhh... it's ok..."

I hear him start to calm down a little bit.

"I know you didn't get any sleep when I was out... so... I'm going to sit here until you sleep... ok"

I hear him muffle the words 'ok'

"Now let's get you into bed..."

Time skip

I sat next to Eduardo in bed until I saw him finally sleep. A wave of relief rushed over me.

I was just happy he was getting some rest. Even if it wasn't for long... anything is better than before.

I see Eduardo roll over in bed into a position where his head was leaning on my leg.

I look down at him and blush.

No no-! I'm not blushing. I don't like him! Don't get any ideas!

Well... I do really care for him... but... I don't love him... well I do... but

As a friend. That's it. I care for him so much but... not like that...

...I- I think...

This was more like a sorta filler chapter. Just some foreshadowing and what happened after Eduardo had the panic attack. Idk if you could count it as a chapter. But I hope you like it anyway!
400 words
Started: 18 august
Ended: 18 august
Time taken: (probably a short amount of time I forgot to check again.)

Thanks for reading!

It's ok (Eduardo x mark) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt