Confessions at gunpoint

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Please restrain from commenting anything rude/ inappropriate. Thanks XX

(I swear to took like a century to think of a name you will have to do with that.)
Tord POV:
I groan on the floor of my box prison. How could I let that guy walk all over me like that. I slowly pull a walkie-talkie out of my pocket with my only remaining hand.

"Patryck, Paul. We need backup, stat."

"Roger that sir"

I hear Paul's voice cracking over the machine.

I grin slightly. Eduardo really thought I would let him get away that easily. Well, he's in for a real surprise...

Eduardo POV:
Me and mark run through many halls. It's not been that difficult as of yet. We haven't ran into patryk or Paul.

Short time skip

Me and mark enter a large room with a staircase swirling around it. The doors suddenly lock. I run around the room, punching the doors in a panic. But they won't budge. We hear some footsteps from the stairs.

"Mark get behind me..."

Jon POV:
I float around. There must be a way out of this place...

I can't believe Tord lied to me like that. I can't believe I was foolish enough to listen to him. This whole thing was a waste of my time.

I just want to get out of here. I don't want to remember this place...

Mark POV:
I slowly walk behind Eduardo. The metal stairs and platforms above us start to shake with thousands of loud footsteps.

Suddenly, hundreds of people fill the room. They were wearing the same uniform as Paul. They were also all holding fire at us.

Why on earth were so many people after us. What worth do we have to Tord anyway. We're just two normal people. What does he want with me, more importantly, what does he want with Eduardo?

I gulp as they hold up there guns higher. Shouting at us.


I'm completely motionless. Eduardo holds onto my hand, taking a step forward. They all put there fingers closer to the trigger.


Tears start to roll down my eyes as I try my best not to move a muscle.

The soldiers move around slightly, making quite a bit of noise.

"Mark... it's ok. I'll find a way out of this..."

"But how!? There is no way out! They are blocking all the doors and-"


"I know I know... but there has to be a way..."

I sigh, and look at Eduardo.

"Hey... Ed..."


"Were probably going to die so... I just want to tell you something..."

I squeeze Eduardo's hand and force a small smile.

"I- where do I start.!? We have been best friends for... ever! We have been through everything together and now... we're going to die together..."

The tears start to roll down my face faster

"M- mark..."


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