Your only here to suffer...

99 4 28

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(Don't read the comments if you don't wanna get spoiled for some future chapters!)
Mark POV:
It's been 20 minutes...

I'm starting to worry. The time is going by so slow. Every second feels like hours of sitting here, wondering if he will even come back.

What if he's gone forever. Like, he's dead.

No mark. He's not dead. He's fine...

It's hard to convince myself, but eventually I do.

25 minutes...

I have five minutes of waiting. I sit there motionless.

He's fine...

It's ok...

I get reminded of the times I had to comfort him. When I would hug him while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

All I want is for him to be back. More than ever. I got the most courage I had in years for him to just disappear...

What if he had enough of me..?

He always said he hates it when I mother him, and he always wants me to go away...

Maybe he ran away... from me... maybe he ran away to start a new life without me. Make other friends and forget I existed.

Forget everything...

Eduardo POV:
I don't know how long I have been here. Or even where I am.

But wherever I am. I just want to get out of here. The last thing I needed was to see him again.

And yet. All the things he said were true. I did all those things too him. And to others...

Nobody cares about me... nobody ever has. It's all a coverup so they can gain my trust and leave me alone to die.

Maybe I should stay here. Mark is better off without me. I just make his life worse...

Mark... the person that was always there for me even when I was being stupid.

I just want him to be here. To wipe away my tears and send me too sleep with his sweet words. Then I can wake up back at home, like this was all a bad nightmare.

Wake up and forget about this. Get over Jon and move on. Notice my mistakes and become a better person.

A person that's nice and cares about others. Cares the way mark cared. I want to care for him the most. I want him to be here so I can show him how sorry I am. So I can show him how much I need him here.

Show him how much I love him. And how much I care...

But that will never happen. I understand why Jon is so mad. For everything I have done to him.

He can do whatever he wants because I know it's no use to try and escape. Maybe I can just stay here and die. Then I don't have to worry about anything.

About Mark. The people I care about...

I look down at my hands and start to sob. Tears rolling down my face and landing on the floor.

"Are you done crying yet?"

I look up at the ghostly figure and say nothing.


"What does it look like..."

"Shut. Up."

I feel the chair I'm tied too move. Suddenly I get thrown into a hard wall. The back of the chair collapses and hits my spine. I cry out in pain as my head hits the floor.

"Wow. Seeing you like this is so satisfying..."

"B- but why... I never did anything like this too you..."

"You say that when you tried to kill Edd for something that happens in primary school... this was my life! My life was you being a total jerk to me!"

"Jon... I-"

"Quite refreshing to hear you say my name and not call me an IDIOT."

"I'm sorry..."

"Oh I know. But that's not. Going. To. Cut. It."

"B- but why would you want to do this. What will you gain..."

"Im a ghost. Quite frankly I have nothing to gain or lose anyway. My life is over. The only two options I have now are other to just be forgotten by everyone or make someone else's life a living hell. So. That's what I'm doing!"

"If... if I can talk to you. Why don't you just go on like normal..."

"Because I'm done with that life. I'm doing being the 'vulnerable one' I'm done being the 'innocent one' I'm done being know as the FREAK who got pushed around by you."

"B- but you can restart. Like me. I'm a changed person. And you can change too..."

"Oh please. You really think a silly little pet talk is going to change my mind. What is this? A Disney movie!?"


"No Eduardo. The answer was NO. This is reality. And in reality people are going to be jerks. Where the only place you will find silly little 'inspirational speeches about change and friendship' are in little kids dreams..."

"Look... you don't have too-"

"Oh won't you just GET IT!"

The chair gets thrown agains the wall again. It hits my face. My nose starts to bleed and my hard starts to hurt.

"I don't CARE what you have to say. Your IRRELEVANT to me. The only reason your here is to SUFFER. Not to talk. Not to be all 'inspirational'. Not to talk about how much of 'a changes man' you are. To. Suffer. Got it..?"

I go to say something. I get thrown at the wall again. My vision gets blurry.

"Got. It..?"

I nod slowly. It feels like my head is spinning.


Suddenly, I get thrown again. I try to scream for help. But then...

It all goes black...

919 words
Started 4 September
Ended 4 September

Omg! I'm so proud of this chapter. I'm sorry if Jon is a bit off character. Since Eduardo x mark is not cannon. I'm just going to say this is my AU :)

Thanks for reading!

(Yay we got 100 reads!)

It's ok (Eduardo x mark) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя