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(This chapter has some uh StRaNgE flirting in it... I wouldn't say it's sexual just kinda weird... uhhhh ye it's kinda weird but I digress. Lol.)

Mark POV:
I sit next to Eduardo and gently lean my head on his shoulder.

"If you could um... please eat something..."

"Ye I will. Just not right now."



Time skip

Eduardo POV:
I forcefully ate some leftover pasta trying not to gag or throw it back up. Mark just watches me eat happily.

"I'm so happy your eating something Ed. It shows that your progressing and that your getting better-"

"Ok chill- I ate something it's not that big of a deal..."

"Ah. Ok. Sorry. Heh."

Mark is acting really weird lately. He's acting kinda... nervous? Around me? He also seems way more paranoid that I'm ok. More than normal. Which is allot already.

Is he bothered I'm wearing his jumper..?



"Am I doing something wrong..?"


"Like something to bother you or... something to make you... hate me..?"

"Eduardo I already told you I don't hate you. Your like my best friend! And no your not doing anything wrong. The not eating food thing is kinda worrying. But your not doing anything to make me hate you..."

"You sure..."

"Yes Ed. I'm sure. I don't know why your so worried about this. You know you did nothing wrong..."

"Ye- I know... just wondering because-"


"It's like you have been acting... nervous around me..?"

Mark POV:

My face heats up

"N-nervous!? Ha! What do you mean no I'm fine..!"

I turn my head to hide my very obviously red face.

"Are you ok... your face has gone all red."

He's messing with me isn't he! He knows what blushing looks like-!

"Yes! I'm fine- totally fine!"

"Ok now I'm concerned about you..."

"No need Ed. It's nothing it's just... uh. It's like 30 degrees it's really warm-!"

"It's 14 degrees-"

"Ok well gotta go to work now!"

"But you just got home-"


I run out of the apartment my face red as a tomato.

Ugh. Why is his stupid face so cute! It's like he's making me insane! Ugh!

I'm not really sure where to go now. I kinda just left. And it would be weird to just walk back in.

I walk out of the apartment complex and here my phone buzz. It's a message from Eduardo.

'Where did you go? Plz come back. Plz. Plzzzzzz...'

I stare at the phone for a second.

'Stop ignoring me'

I message him back that I'm sorry and I'm coming back.

Hm. I wonder if I could try flirt with him. It could lift his spirits. And help me think of things to say when I confess... which I will definitely do!

I walk back to the apartment and walk inside.

"There you are! Geez what were you even doing!?"

"Sorry. I just couldn't think straight..."

"What? Why..?"

"Your adorable face was distracting me-"

Ughhh no no Mark that was terrible.

"W- what!?"

Ok just uhhh...

"Oh sorry! Your also hot as crap"

"M- mark!?"

Eduardo POV:
Mark is... flirting with me-!? What? Why! I have to admit... the way he is talking is really attractive... maybe I could give him a taste of his own medicine. So something relatively fun before my next panic attack...

"Hello... are you even listening to me..? Hot stuff."

"Of corse I am. I wouldn't wanna miss hearing that sexy voice of yours now would I?"

I see mark freeze up. I really caught him off guard.

"Uhm well... you have a nice voice too..!"

"Mmm yes keep talking you sound so adorable when your embarrassed..."

At this point I didn't even know the worlds that were coming out of my mouth. I just said what I was thinking. And if I'm honest, I do think mark sounds quite cute when he's embarrassed.

Mark goes really red.

"You sound cute when your embarrassed too~"

I cant tell if mark is trying to intimidate me or embarrass me. Either way, I'm pretty much a blushing mess now.

Mark POV:
Im surprisingly good at this whole flirting thing. Although I was slightly startled when he retaliated.

"Well. That was something..."

"Your really bad at flirting mark..."

"Ok ok... jokes aside Ed. Your pretty cute..."


"N- nothing!"

Maybe now isn't the right time to confess...

751 words
Started: 28 august
Ended: 30 august

Thanks for reading!

This was a sorta weird chapter. It's more experimental for me bc I wanna practice flirting scenes and I'm not smooth whatsoever lol.

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