Dark green flames...

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(Aaa sorry this is like the worst chapter name yet for like the best chapter, I couldn't think of anything better Aaaaa)
??? POV:
I get up from my chair. The plan is working. Soon enough I will be able to dominate the world without anyone in my way... I will be able to-


"What? What do you want!?"

"Well I just wanted to ask a question about the.. plan..."

"Go on."

"When you have captured him. How will we persuade him to stay? Torture?"

"Why do you want to know..?"

"It's my duty to make sure everything runs smoothly. I wouldn't want you to fail again-"

"I didn't fail! I was close. It was... someone got in the way. He won't this time."

"Yes To- S- sir. Yes sir"

"Back to your question. I do know what I'm going to do. Well I was going to start with torture. But, I have so new information from Jon that I think may help... you see, I was in call to him to check in on 'Eduardo' or whatever his name was, and he told me about something..."

"I'm listening..."

"He told me about this... person. He was calling him allot. Meaning he cares about him. So they are probably close. They are also probably worried he has gone. As I was informed it was his... roommate..."


"His name was 'Mark'. This was his roommates name. I think he may be the key to keeping Eduardo on our side..."

"His roommate? What would he do?"

"Well my dear Paul, this is where you come in... you are going to go to his house and take 'Mark' hostage. If we threaten to kill or hurt him, he has to stay. Jon has informed me in a earlier conversation that Eduardo has feelings for his roommate. He definitely wouldn't want him dead would he?"

"That's a great plan sir. I suppose-"

"Yes. Patryck will have to help you. We need all the help we can get if we want to succeed"


"Go inform Patryck about the plan. You will take Mark hostage tomorrow. Ok?"

"Ok sir..."

Paul leaves the room. This is perfect. I have everything figured out. As well as being able to keep Eduardo on our side. Mark may be helpful in other ways. But we will see.

I get out my phone and call Jon to inform him on the plan.

Eduardo POV:
I shuffle around on the chair. It's so uncomfortable. And I'm so hungry. But that's the least of my worries. I'm just worried about mark. He's probably worried sick that I'm gone. I just hope he's ok. At least Jon can't to anything to him... if he's ok, I'm ok...

Jon hasn't hurt my that much today. He's been on the phone to his 'boss' most of the day. It seems like they are going over some sort of plans. What do they want to do with me..?


"What do you want Eduardo?"

"You know. I was pretty sad when you died. I actually felt sorry for you. I realized I was wrong to hate you. But, now I have realized your an absolute JERK! And no. I'm not sorry for all the things I said too you. You really are a LOW LIFE PEICE OF GARBAGE AND I REALLY NEVER LIKED YOU! SO DO WHAT YOU WANT IDIOT! BECAUSE I DON'T CARE!"

"You should really watch your tone Eduardo..."

"What are you my MOM!?"

Jon POV:
I looked at the rage in Eduardo's face. This was it. Just a bit more pushing and I will finally get the job done. I have been notified of the plan. I know that if I bring him in today Sir will be very happy. Very happy...

"Well no. We do have quite a few similarities. We both hate you..."


"Not just your mom hates you. Not just me. Everyone. I can't stress enough how much everyone. Hates. You. Your a mistake. The things you do. Do you not realise how much of an idiot you are. You do things without thinking. And you regret them when it's too late. Just to get pity. Even if those feelings were real who would care..? Nobody cares about you..."


"What? Mark cares? That's ONE PERSON. One person cares about you. That's it. And he's brain-dead as."


"Awe did I make you madddd? I'm sowwy..."

"J- JUST!-"

"Just what. Wimp."


A flash of green light surrounds the. My vision blurs for a second. All I see is green for a few seconds. I look up. I. I did it...

Eduardo is free from his chair. A green fire like substance lights up the area. I look over at Eduardo again. His eyes and hair are glowing a dark green colour. There are glowing green 'orbs' in his hands. The chair is covered in the fire like substance.

I had done it... I had finally done it. He had finally snapped...

I saw him lunge forward. I hold up a hand and he freezes. Good thing boss gave me these temporary abilities. I get out my phone.

"I've done it sir. He used his powers."

"Good. Get him over here stat. A helicopter with a containment chamber for him should land near you in a get minutes..."


I look up. A helicopter eventually lands. Paul comes out of it and puts Eduardo in the containment chamber and I unfreeze him.


"No can do buddy. Boss needs you for his plan. Get in Jon we're going back."

I get in the helicopter

"He won't be able to break out of the container right?"

"No. It's power resistant. Nothing to worry about."


"Boss will be pretty happy to see this you know"

"Yes I do. And I'm quite exited for my reward."

"What even is it?"

"I'm going to be alive again!"

"Woah. Tord can do that..?"

"Yes Pat. Of corse he can."

"He's using a special machine. From what I've heard at least. It was a pretty good idea to work for this guy. He's a genius. I will get everything I want and more from him!"

"So are you just going to leave when you turn human again..?"

"I'll probably have to. What would Boss want me for after that. I would have no purpose"

"True. Anyway. We're nearly hear now, right Pat?"

"Yep. Preparing to land"

"Great... the moment I have been waiting for the second I started this 'job'. Finally I will get what I deserve...

1090 words
Started: 14 September
Ended: 14 September

OMG! I had no idea what to do then suddenly. BING! I got so many ideas! It's even the longes chapter! I'm rlly proud of myself:)

Thanks for reading!

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