Im counting on you...

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Mark POV:



I get up from my seat and rush out the door. I will find him, I will save him, I will rescue him, I don't care what I have to do I just care about where he is.

I run out the apartment block and start to search. I decide to go to his favorite shop first... the corner shop.

A place where you can buy snacks and magazines for cheep. And Diet Coke. Around £1.00 for 12 full size cans. Probably why he's obsessed with this place.

"Hey Mark! Nice to see you!"

The cashier waves at me as I enter the empty store.

"Hello Chris. Really can't talk. And actually I only came here to ask you something..."

"Ask away friend!"

"Have you seen Ed..? He's been gone for half an hour. He hasn't texted me. He just disappeared..!"

"Hmmm... sorry to break it too you. But I haven't seen him. I didn't see him walk past the shop either. I think your looking on the wrong place. If he went this way I would have seen him walk past."

I sigh. Where else would he even be?

"Ok... thanks for your help Chris..."

"No problem! Hope you find him soon!"

I run out the shop. I don't know where else to look. The other way just leads to the highway. I decide to look past the shop anyway. Just to be sure.

It's ok Mark... Your going to find him...

Eduardo POV:
I slowly open my eyes, I look around slightly. Disappointed as I see it wasn't all a dream.

So all that really did happen...

I look over to see Jon holding a phone type thing. He's whispering something into it. I can only partially hear what he's saying.

"Yes sir, it's going perfectly. I think this will really benefit- yes! Yes he's doing... great... well as good as you count being thrown against a wall twice! Haha! Oh yes. Thank you for your time... -sir..."

Sir..? Does he have a boss..? Who could he possibly be talking too..? Maybe he's being forced to do this. Maybe he is good after all!

"Oh. Your awake I see."

"Y- yeah..."

My voice is croaky and my words are slurred slightly. Considering I just woke up from a coma.

"Ok. Stay there. I have things too do..."

??? POV
"What do you want!?"

"Sir... he's awake. I need your orders for what to do next."

I slam my hands on the table

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO! Just... just get as much information as you can. The more you hurt him the more we can find out..."

"Yes sir... will do"

"Good. Just make sure not too kill him. If we want to run any... further experiments then we need him alive."

"But sir... when we do find out the extent of what he's capable of... how will we get him on our si-"


"Y- yes sir... will do sir..."

I put down the phone and open up my notebook and start writing...

This guy is such a joke. I could have got anyone else to do this job for me.

Though... he does have some redeeming qualities. Considering he knew the subject before his death he may know ways to 'activate' his ability.

And him being a ghost may also be helpful. If the subject shows retaliation towards him. He won't appear injured. As if he is invincible.

I marked on my calendar how much time we have left. He has exactly 3 days to finish this 'job' of his. I have told him the possible consequences if he fails his task. This may persuade him to try his best...

I close the notebook and put it in a draw.

I'm counting on you... Jon... you better not fail...

Eduardo POV:
It's been around ten minutes when Jon comes back. I'm still lying on the floor. My nose is bleeding and my head hurts. And I'm still tied to a chair...

"Finally back I see..."

"Don't talk to me like that. You KNOW what I'm capable of Eduardo."

Jon lifts the chair up and slams it in the floor.

Maybe I should just shut my mouth for a bit...

I hold onto my head. I want to go home. I want Mark to be here. I don't know why Jon is doing this but I know I will find out. What does he want from me. Who is this 'sir' of his.

But for now all I can do is lie here and cry. All I can do is just hope someone or something will find me... and get me out of here... save me from this hell...

I just hope one day I can get out of here. Be happy again...

See Mark again...

823 words
Started: 6 September
Ended: 6 September

I hope the new 'lore' doesn't ruin the story ;-; I wanted to add some mystery in there and I'm pretty proud of myself for the idea! (It's not just my idea! It's also BL00DC4K3  idea. Don't read the comments -of the last chapter- if you don't wanna get spoiled!)

Thanks for reading!!

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