"We both know that it was not his fault." He chuckled. "There have been deeper forces running from years, unfortunately we were collateral. Maybe in the next life I will have my mate." He gives me a sad smile. 

"Is Leyla safe from you?" I asked the most important question.

"She is. I will help her as much as I can. I will always follow your lead Alpha." He bowed his head. 

"Thank you Ronald. Maybe you should go for a run and let off some steam?" I suggested. 

"I think I will, I need some time on my own." He said as he left my office. 

I groaned as I sat on the edge of my desk. My wolf was hyper sensitive to her pack's emotions. We spent years nurturing and building them up. Showing them a way forward through the pain and darkness but it took it's toll on me. The pain I felt in my heart was intensive that I could always feel the slightest slither of darkness creep in, no matter how much I pushed it out, it was always there. It was something that I couldn't get rid of, no matter how much I tried. 

We need mate. My wolf growled.

I know, but he doesn't want us. I sighed as a tear escaped my eye.  

He does, he is just confused. That wretched woman has ruined his life. Speak to him, tell him the truth. My wolf begged. 

He won't believe me. He is too caught up in Lamia's lies. I replied. 

We have to try. We need him. He is more important that you realise. I know we are strong and independent but we need him if we are to win the war. My wolf explained. 

I hated to admit she was right, but we were running out of time. We needed Alexander if we were to be successful in wining the battle ahead. He would ensure that their minimal casulties. He would be able to protect the innocents that would lost in a battle that they didn't need to fight. Fighting for someone who didn't want me, terrified me. I was scared of falling into that pit of darkness of self-loathing. I couldn't go back there, too many people relied on me to survive. However, if I didn't face him and get him to believe the truth then there would be too many casualties and I didn't want that on my consious. 

With a new found determination, I made my way out the pack house and found my feet dragging me to the cabin on the outskirts of the pack. The cabin which was guarded and reinforced to hold my mate captive until he believed the truth that was right in front of him. 

The cabin was hidden in the thicket of bushes, it was isolated but guarded by my top guards. No one knew who they were guarding other than my brother Reed and Carson. It was important that no one knew he was here. It was for their safety and his protection. The cabin was a dark wooden colour and although it looked unsecured, the insides were reinforced with concrete with silver specs. It was strong enough to hold an Alpha, especially a king. 

I passed my guards with a quick nod as I made my way into the cabin, there was a small entry way which led to a large silver door. One of my strengths as a powered wolf was that I was immune to silver, I was protected by the Goddess and I was able to resist the burn and pain that it caused others; all I would feel was a slight itch, an irritation. 

I walked into the room silent as the night, there he was laying on the bed. The book he was reading was still on his side. He was asleep. I looked around the room and saw that he had eaten the food that was given to him. I smiled that he was accepting my hospitality. I stared at the man sleeping in the bed. He still looked as handsome as the last day I saw him, the only difference was his face was lined with age. There were slight grey hairs that lined the side of his head, it made him look more mature and if anything he looked better than he did when he was a teenage boy. 

Part of me didn't want to wake him, but we needed to speak. He needed to start accepting that he had been fed lies for years. His wolf knew the truth, he had been set free the minute Nona's blood was spilt. It was time for the human side of him to understand what was happening in his Kingdom. My wolf was right, he needed to know the truth. 

I let out a loud cough hoping to disrupt his sleep. It was then that Alexander shot up in his bed, alert, scouting his surroundings and his eyes landed me. I was in the same position as last, leaning against the wall waiting for him to speak. 

"Alpha Reaper." He gritted his teeth. 

"Alexander." I nodded. "Glad to see you are well rested and have eaten."

"Well, yes thank you." He replied venomously. 

"I still see you are as hostile as I last left you." I mused. 

"Well when I am held against my will, wouldn't you be?" He shouted. 

"Has any harm come to you while you have been staying here Alexander." I asked. 

"It's King Alexander. And no." Again, he gritted his teeth. 

"You will always be Alexander to me. Have you spoken to your wolf?" I responded. 

"He has informed me that you would tell me the truth when I am ready to hear it." He sighed. 

"Are you ready to hear it? I can still hear the anger in your voice. I don't need you erupting when you hear my story." I explained. I could feel my heart thump, I knew he would be able to hear it. Despite my strong exterior, I was still fragile. 

"Will it get me out of this godforsaken room?" He exclaimed as he pushed himself off the bed. I could feel him wanting to take threatening steps towards me but I knew he wouldn't get any closer. His wolf would hold him at bay. 

"Why will my wolf not allow me to attack you?" He frustratingly stated.

"I'm sure he's already told you, but you are unwilling to listen?" I taunted. 

"He says your my mate! But you can't be my mate! Lamia his my mate!" He screamed at me. 

The sound of her name coming out of his mouth made a triage of emotions flush through my body. The first was I felt sick, the heaviness in my stomach sunk deeply. Then a rush of disappointment came through at his unwillingness to accept what his wolf said. Finally the anger surged forward and the rage was building and clawing itself to the surface, that soon that was all that I could feel. All I could do was let out a manical laugh in response. 

"What's so funny?!" He roared. 

"You, that's what's funny. Tell me something, why would your wolf lie to you?" I asked. 

Alexander sat at the end of the bed, his head in hands. I could see that he was feeling distraught at the little information he had shared. Deep down, I knew he wasn't ready to hear what was staring him right in the face, but unfortunately it was time for the King to accept his flaws and mistakes. It was time for him to make it right, even if he couldn't help it, he created the oppurtunity. 

"I don't know... but that would mean everything was a lie? I can't have been living a lie for over twenty years." He whispered. 

"Why couldn't you? It's plausible?" I teased. 

"Just... how is it possible?" He sighed into his hands. I could see he was unwilling to look me in the eye. 

"Are you ready to hear a story Alexander? Are you prepared for what I tell you because I warn you, it will break your soul and tear you into pieces. No matter what you say or do, will not change my perspective." I warned. "So are you ready to finally hear my story?Without looking at me, he inhaled deeply and said the words that I desperately wanted to hear. 

"Tell me your story Alpha Reaper." He whispered. 

I felt the smirk creep on my face, knowing he would finally share the pain that had been graciously bestowed upon me. 

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