𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟔: 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐬

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Rune looked down at her timetable. Due to timetable clashes and the vast amount of work N.E.W.T level subjects required, she had been forced to drop off 4 subjects from her list and was left with Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration. 

Professor Slughorn had hinted at Advanced Potions, but he said he would provide more information on it once they settled into sixth year. 

Rune walked into her Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson and found that only a few of the seats were occupied. They were sharing the lesson with the Gryffindor's and since none of her friends were in sight, she instead turned her attention to the front of the classroom where the professor appeared to be trying every charm, she could to clean up an ink splatter from her white robes. 

"Scourgify!" hissed the professor pointing her wand at the dark ink and sighing when nothing happened. As she tried a few more combinations, her frustration grew with each one. 

"It's enchanted," offered Rune, earning the professor's gaze. 


"The ink," explained Rune. "It's probably from Zonko's latest collection. It doesn't get removed by any spells, but it fades with every wash. By its seventh wash, it should be completely gone."

The Professor sighed loudly as she unclasped her robes and set it aside. "Thank you. Miss?" 

"Westwood," answered Rune, with a smile. She was starting the year in the DADA professor's good books and while none of them lasted more than a year, she still required the help she could offer. "Rune Westwood." 

The Professor recognized her name because she nodded and said, "You had a perfect score for O.W.L's. You and Regulus Black. My name is Josiah Wilkens. I look forward to teaching you." 

Rune caught sight of Evan and Barty sitting in the back row and the empty seat next to Barty called her name as she moved towards it. 

Just as she was about to take her seat, a person appeared out of nowhere and dropped his textbook on to the desk with a thud. 

Rune looked up and had to hold back an eyeroll when she found Regulus looking at her with his expression of contempt and indifference. 

"That's my seat," she said. 

Regulus made an exaggerative notion of looking all over and under the table before looking back at her and saying, "I don't see your name."

"Regulus, move." 

He made sure to hold eye contact with her as he dragged the chair back and sat himself down on it. 

"Tough luck, buttercup. Move faster next time." 

As Professor Wilkes instructed the class to settle down, Rune had no choice but to turn around and take the only empty seat left right at the front of the classroom.


"I hate him!" grumbled Rune as she narrowed her eyes at where Regulus stood and instructed the Slytherin's who had signed up for try-outs to line up in a formation. 

Tina yawned and pulled her shawl tighter around her body. "Is that why you woke me up at 6am to come watch him fly on his broomstick and yell at people?" 

Rune's voice grew softer as she said, "Just because he's a jerk doesn't mean we can't admire how fit he is."

"Oh, of course," remarked Tina sarcastically. "Should we just ignore the parts where he's spent the last two weeks ensuring you sit all alone in lessons and mealtimes and have no friends other than me and Mason?"

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now