𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟏: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝

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"This potion is a rather tricky one. It took me 2 months to master it, but once you get it, it's a rather nifty tool," said Slughorn excitedly. 

There was a cauldron in front of him, and then a shared one between Regulus and Rune. 

Neither of them so much as glanced at each other as Professor Slughorn explained the lengthy process to brewing Skele-Gro. 

"Mr. Black, if you will, please harvest the Chinese Chomping Cabbage for us." 

Both Rune and Slughorn noticed the way he pulled the violently chomping plant towards him. The conventional way of harvesting it was to place a number of carrots into its mouth, hold it in your right hand and pull with your left. 

He dropped the carrots in its mouth but began to pull using only his left hand. 

The Cabbage immediately spat out the carrots and turned its ravenous teeth towards him. It would have succeeded in chomping his fingers off had Slughorn not reached from behind and yanked the needed part. 

"No worries, no worries. It is rather late. I assume you've had a tough day, m'boy. We all forget steps once in a while. In fact, one time, a Chomping Cabbage bit off a whole wad of hair off of my head!"

Regulus tried to smile in response, but all that came out was a pained grimace. 

Rune saw the way his right arm sat in complete stillness at his side, as if he locked it into place. 

If she was talking to him, she would have told him to go down to Madam Pomfrey, but she told herself that she didn't care. He could rot if that was what he wanted. 

Yet, when the time came for each of them to scale their Puffer-fish, she subconsciously hurried through hers and without drawing any attention to it, she did his share as well. 

"Right well, let's put the cabbage and fish to boil to 2 dittany stems and 3 large cups of hydro essence." 

"It's almost like we're making a fish stew," commented Rune. 

Regulus murmured under his breath, "It smells like we are too." 

"Good observation, Miss Westwood. It's the fish that gives Skele-Gro it's vile taste, you see. Some Healers leave the potion to ferment for a year before using it. The fish breaking down helps the bones to grow even faster." 

They add several more ingredients into the cauldrons and while they waited for it to boil, Slughorn quickly ran out to use the bathroom leaving Regulus and Rune in a deafening silence. 

Save for the occasional splatters of the beetles, the only sound in that classroom was their breathing. 

Rune also noticed just how heavy his breathing was. Every time he inhaled; it sounded like it took physical strain. 

She opened her mouth twice but closed it before she could say anything. 

She would not be silly. 

He had called Tina a slur. 

There was no forgiving him. 

Even if he was in pain. 

She turned her head slightly and her eyes locked on his arm. He was wearing long sleeves and a turtleneck that ended just at his chin. 

Both of his hands were trembling.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer."  

She immediately jerked her head forward. 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now