𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒: 𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Rune waited patiently in the Common Room on Friday evening. The ceremony was to start at 6pm. She glanced at the clock which told her it was nearly 5pm. 

They seemed to be cutting it fine.

Just then, Regulus spoke from beside her. "Ready to go?" 

When she turned to him, he was in the process of doing the button on his wrist. 

Thankfully, she thought. Because she was pretty sure she was gaping at him. 

She cleared her throat. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm ready." 

He was still struggling with his button, so she reached forward and took his hand. "It doesn't hurt to ask me for help," she told him, easily doing the button and letting go off his wrist. 

She felt his eyes running over her, but he didn't say anything except, "Let's go." 

They walked up to Albus Dumbledore's office since they were going to be using the Floo Network from his office to the Malfoy Manor. Just as they stopped before the statue, Regulus turned to Rune. 

"Look, my family and friends are a bit... intense. So, if they- or I- say anything, just ignore it please." 

She nodded. "Okay."

"Also," he said, swallowing hard. "Don't judge me too much for it." 

"I'll try my best not to," she promised, and she meant it. 

He let out a shaky breath as they stepped onto the gargoyle. "Okay then. Let's get to it." 

As soon as they reached Dumbledore's office, Rune felt the air in the room grow significantly heavier. 

Rabastan was there, sitting on the arm rest of the couch which had Alastair Travers and Fenella Malfoy seated on it. Both students were a year elder than them. 

"You're bringing her?" asked Fenella, pulling her nose slightly. 

"You're bringing him?" questioned Regulus using the same tone.

Alastair held up his hands. "Don't involve me. I was invited as myself, not as her plus one." Then he looked at Rune and said, "Pleasure to finally meet you, Regulus' girlfriend." 

Both Rune and Regulus froze. They hadn't yet explored the grounds where such a word would come into play. 

To obviously ease the pressure off of them, Regulus frowned at Rabastan. "Where's your plus one?" 

"My plus one is already at the Malfoy Manor," he said, with a sigh of relief. "It's my cousin, Amandine. She doesn't speak of stitch of English." 

"Is Angelica coming?" asked Alastair hopefully. 

Rabastan and Regulus shared a look before Rabastan nodded. "Yeah, she's coming." 

"With who?" asked Fenella. 

Rabastan gave her a bitter grin. "Hopefully not Sirius." 

Rune glanced between the four of them and while it was plainly obvious that they all struggled to like each other, it was even more obvious that beneath all of it, they cared about each other. 

Just then Dumbledore entered the area and glanced around. "Good evening to all of you. The fireplace can take you in two at a time."

Fenella stood up and strutted forward. "Travers, let's go." 

Within seconds, they were in the fireplace and were carried away by the green flames. 

"You two go next," said Rabastan. 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now