𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲

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"Please come with me to the library!" whined Rune, making puppy-dog eyes at Rabastan.

"I can't. Slytherin has Quidditch practice," he replied apologetically.

"You don't play Quidditch!"

"Yes, but Regulus does. And he asked me weeks ago to come to his practices and monitor his flying." 

"I'll come with you," said Mulciber, from the left of her.

Rune didn't even turn to him. "Ew." 

Professor Flitwick was demonstrating a hand movement to Tina, Rune's friend from Arithmancy.

It seemed to her as if Rabastan was also trying to learn it because his eyes were focused forward. 

"It's a flick with your wrist, then a flick with your elbow, and then a swish," remarked Rune. 

"Hmm?" asked Rabastan, half-interestedly. 

"The conjuring of the spell. Wrist flick, elbow flick, swish."

"Oh," murmured Rabastan. "Yeah, thanks." 

"It's nothing. So, about the library..." 

Rabastan shook his head. "You know, I'd love to. I'd take your company over Reg's any day." 

"Liar," she accused. 

He laughed and pointed to the other side of the classroom where Evan sat. Beside Regulus.

Rune looked away immediately. She had managed to completely avoid being within 10m of Regulus for the last two weeks. And to her luck, it appeared as though he had been avoiding her too.

Not that she owed him anything, but if he had to ask her, she already figured out her answer. 

She would tell him that she snuck out to a Halloween party and the shedding skin was part of her attire. 

If he then asked why she hid it, she would just say that it was falling apart, and she hadn't wanted him to see how it looked.

She knew he wasn't dumb, but she also knew she had all her bases covered. 

"Are you still here?" asked Rabastan, drawing her out of her buzz.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Why not ask Evan?" he said seriously, then he added on in mock-bitterness, "You like him more than me." 

"Only because you like Regulus more than me!" retorted Rune, before sticking her tongue out at him, and making him laugh.

Just as the lesson ended, she decided she was mature enough to break the distance barrier with Regulus and go up to Evan.

"Come with me to the library," she said rashly. 

Evan grinned. "No."

She sighed, "Would you pretty pretty please with a cherry on top come with me to the library?" 

"Aha, do you know how many times in the last 5 years I've asked you that exact question?" asked Evan, with a scoff.

"Not the exact same..." murmured Rune. "You never added the cherry on top."

Evan shook his head and mumbled something under his breath with a look of slight guilt. 



"What?" she repeated. 

"He says," translated Regulus, "He can't. He's got to meet Julia in the bathroom and she's hot." 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now