𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧

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How's the book going?

I finished it. 

And you didn't tell me how it was?!?!

Did you ask?

Regulus narrowed his eyes at the journal, anticipating the response. As seconds passed, he grew irritable, sliding towards the edge of his bed and bouncing the quill between his fingers. 

"What are you doing?" asked a voice from over his shoulder and Regulus jumped, shutting the journal immediately and clutching it to his chest. 

"Uh, reading." 

Rabastan back flopped onto his bed and raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a writing book and not a reading book?" 

"Have you never read words you wrote?" questioned Regulus, settling down on his bed once again. "Wait, you don't have to answer that. Your grades are enough." 

Rabastan scoffed and chucked a folded pair of socks at Regulus. 

"I'm going to sleep, Reg. You can continue your diary entry," he snickered. 

"It's not a diary entry!" snapped Regulus. 

"Sure," drawled Rabastan, pulling the strings of the curtains around his bed, closing him off from Regulus. 

Regulus chucked the pair of socks back at him before turning back to his journal. 

So, you can return my book
tonight then? 

I left it in the same place in
Greenhouse One. 

The words disappeared and minutes passed without a response. His eyes were just about to fall shut for the night when words reappeared. 

Oliver Twist? 

Have you read it? 

Only a million times. 


Okay then you can leave it there. 

Regulus bit down on his lip as he stared at his words disappear. He knew there was magic connecting his journal to hers. A magic so profound that despite them not knowing who the other was, their words travelled the distance between them.

But I'd love to read it again. 

He felt an odd sense of relief. He couldn't even figure out what the relief was for. 

I'm going to head to bed. 

Are you not going to tell me what
you thought of Dorian Gray? 

It was okay. 

He lied. It was the greatest book he ever read. Better than even Great Expectations. 

Just okay? 

Not the greatest book you've ever read? 

Everyone has different reading tastes. 

I sense that you're lying to me. 

Yeah? What else do you sense? 

I sense that was a great book. 

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now